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He hovered for a moment near death

Richard Lugner was apparently in danger of his life last week. In Vienna, he had to undergo emergency heart surgery.

Richard 'Mörtle' Lugner had to undergo a heart valve operation.
Richard 'Mörtle' Lugner had to undergo a heart valve operation.

Richard Lugner - He hovered for a moment near death

Concern for his health does not abate: According to the "Bild" newspaper on Wednesday (17. July), Austrian construction entrepreneur Richard Lugner (91) recently underwent heart surgery at the Vienna University Clinic AKH. This was due to a tear in his heart valve, which required emergency surgery last week at the Vienna University Clinic.

Life-threatening condition before the operation

"On Thursday, I was still at the premiere of 'My Fair Lady' at the Seefestspiele in Mörbisch. On Friday, I was immediately taken to the AKH because my heart valve tear had grown larger," Lugner is quoted as saying. This had to be operated on immediately, as it had become life-threatening.

"But I was in good hands," so the 91-year-old, who recently married for the sixth time. At the Vienna University Clinic, there is a specialized department for heart valves. His heart valve was stabilized using the clip method via a vein. On Tuesday (16. July), Lugner was discharged from the hospital according to "Bild".

On 1. June, the construction entrepreneur known as "Mörtel" made headlines with his sixth wedding. He married his new wife Simone "Bienchen" Reinländer (42) in Vienna. She had previously worked as a leading employee at a DIY store. The two were briefly engaged in October 2021. They plan to celebrate their romantic comeback at Easter 2024.

  1. Despite the recent heart surgery, Richard Lugner expressed gratitude for the expertise of Vienna University Clinic's heart valve department, where he underwent a successful clip method procedure.
  2. The life-threatening situation before Lugner's operation prompted an immediate transfer from Mörbisch's Seefestspiele to the Vienna University Clinic AKH, highlighting the urgency of the situation.
  3. In a turn of events, just a month after his lavish wedding in Vienna with Simone Reiländer, Lugner found himself in a heart health crisis, requiring emergency surgery.
  4. Post-operation, Lugner's heart flap was stabilized and he was able to leave the Vienna University Clinic AKH, defying the potential danger of heart valve tear and notoperative conditions.

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