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He has been charged with sexual assault

New allegations against Gérard Depardieu: The French actor has now been charged with sexual assault.

Gérard Depardieu is now facing
Gérard Depardieu is now facing

Gérard Depardieu - He has been charged with sexual assault

Gérard Depardieu (74) is facing further accusations. Back in April of this year, 13 women accused the French actor of sexual assault. Depardieu vehemently denied the allegations and no charges were filed in this connection. Now the actress Hélène Darras has filed charges against Depardieu, who allegedly sexually harassed her in 2007 during the filming of the movie "Disco". She was 26 years old at the time.

It is now being examined whether the case should be investigated further in view of the statute of limitations. The Paris public prosecutor's office confirmed this to the French broadcaster Franceinfo on Wednesday. Depardieu's lawyers have not yet commented on the latest allegations.

Hélène Darras: "It takes time to think about it"

Darras, who had already testified against Depardieu as a witness before the judiciary, told the AFP news agency: "It took me a year to go from testifying to reporting. [...] Going to a police station and telling a policeman that you have been touched in your private parts is not easy. It takes time to think about it."

Her aim now is to "counter Depardieu's defenders who play down our accusations". She was alluding to the 13 women whose allegations were made public in April 2023.

The allegations in April 2023

They accused the actor of having behaved inappropriately during the filming of eleven films over the past 20 years or so. Depardieu allegedly touched alleged victims inappropriately or harassed them with inappropriate comments. The incidents are said to have often taken place in public and on the sets of a total of eleven films released between 2004 and 2022. However, no legal action was taken against Depardieu in this context.

As early as 2018, it became known that the actor was under preliminary investigation on suspicion of "rape and sexual assault". Since then, many other alleged victims have come forward. Depardieu vehemently maintains his innocence.

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