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He carries on despite a broken hand

Rúrik Gíslason talks about his accident during rehearsals for "Stars in der Manege" and explains how he was able to take part after all.

A stroke of luck: Rúrik Gíslason had to rethink his acrobatic act after his
A stroke of luck: Rúrik Gíslason had to rethink his acrobatic act after his

Rúrik Gíslason at "Stars in the Manege" - He carries on despite a broken hand

In the Sat.1 show "Stars in der Manege", Rúrik Gíslason (35) wanted to prove his acrobatic skills to the German TV audience. But things turned out differently: during rehearsals for a daring acrobatic act at the beginning of December, the Icelander injured himself a few days before the recording and had to go to the emergency room. In an exclusive interview with spot on news, he now reveals how this could have happened - and what happened next for him in the show.

"You can hear very clearly that my bone is broken"

"I broke my hand," recalls Gíslason. "It happened in training. I even have a video of it - you can hear it very clearly that my bone is broken." At the time of the interview, the athlete was still suffering from the injury: "So when I squeeze my hand, it hurts a lot. I have a splint, of course. But today I'm okay overall from the pain."

Nevertheless, the former footballer and TV star, who won "Let's Dance" in 2021, will appear on the Sat.1 show on January 2 from 8:15 pm. "At first I thought I was completely out," explains Gíslason. "But together with my team - they're really cool guys - we decided that we had to try something." The original plan was to perform hand-to-hand acrobatics, but now "we've come up with something new. And now it's my turn to learn it all."

Rúrik Gíslasons proves his unbroken will

However, the 35-year-old's will is unbroken: "All I can say is that I will give everything I can. I'm not a quitter. And I still want to inspire people. I don't want people to feel sorry for me." Gíslason wants to "make the circus audience and the TV viewers happy - they should see that I'm doing everything that's possible right now - namely performing and delivering my act".

In the show on January 2, Sarah Harrison (32), Michael Mittermeier (57), Cheyenne Pahde (29), Paul Janke (42), Hardy Krüger Jr. (55), Jeannine Michaelsen (41), Fernanda Brandao (40) and Gíslason will venture into the circus ring at Circus Krone to perform various circus tricks ranging from acrobatics and magic to comedy. The show is hosted by presenter Jörg Pilawa (58).

The station will be showing a total of four primetime shows featuring 32 celebrities.

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