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He broke security rules

Alec Baldwin must face severe charges in court. The prosecution claims he played with a real weapon.

Alec Baldwin on his way to court in Santa Fe.
Alec Baldwin on his way to court in Santa Fe.

Heavy accusations against Alec Baldwin - He broke security rules

In the process against actor Alec Baldwin (66) in the Santa Fe, New Mexico court, after the commencement on July 9, the opening statements of the attorneys were read on Wednesday (July 10). The prosecution accused Baldwin of playing with a real weapon on set and breaking the fundamental safety rules for weapon usage. The defense strongly denied this.

"Violated rules" vs. "no crime committed"

Specifically, the prosecutor, in front of the twelve jurors selected on Tuesday to decide Baldwin's guilt or innocence, according to CNN, stated: "When someone plays with a real weapon at a workplace and violates the safety rules of weapon handling, lives are endangered, and someone could be killed. The evidence will show that the defendant, Alexander Baldwin, played with a real weapon and violated the safety rules of weapon handling."

Baldwin's attorney, however, saw the responsibility with the armorer and the first assistant directors of the film. They allowed a live round to be loaded into the prop gun but failed to secure it. "It was an unimaginable tragedy, but Alec Baldwin did not commit a crime." In the trial, there would be "no single witness, no single piece of evidence" to prove that Baldwin knew the gun was loaded with live ammunition. "Actors do not check the weapon, safety is ensured by specialized personnel", so the defense attorney.

Later, a police officer who was on the scene in October 2021 after the fatal shooting of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins (1979-2021) during the filming of the Western "Rust" was called to testify. Baldwin was accompanied in court by his wife Hilaria Baldwin (40) and his brother Stephen Baldwin (58). It is reported that there were many tears on Wednesday as the court showed dramatic recordings of the set where medics desperately tried to save Halyna Hutchins.

Already the third criminal proceeding against Alec Baldwin

The trial against Alec Baldwin is expected to last for two weeks. The Grand Jury in Santa Fe indicted Baldwin again in January 2024. He had already attempted to dismiss the charges twice. Baldwin has pleaded not guilty since. The actor faces up to 18 months in prison if found guilty.

In March 2024, the responsible armorer of the film, Hannah Gutierrez-Reed, was already found guilty of negligence in her supervision on the set. She was sentenced to 18 months in prison without parole.

  1. The crime scene was in Santa Fe, New Mexico, where the court proceedings against Alec Baldwin are currently underway.
  2. The Public Prosecutor's Office is accusing Baldwin of breaking fundamental safety rules by playing with a real weapon on the set of "Rust," endangering lives and potentially causing harm.
  3. CNN reports that the prosecutor argued in front of the jury that Baldwin violated weapon handling rules and played with a real weapon, leading to the fatal shooting of Halyna Hutchins.
  4. In response, Baldwin's defense attorney argued that no single witness or piece of evidence will prove that Baldwin knew the gun was loaded with live ammunition, shifting the blame to the armorer and first assistant directors.
  5. Despite the serious accusations against him, Baldwin is being supported in court by his wife, Hilaria Baldwin, and his brother, Stephen Baldwin.

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