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"Hart aber fair" audience expert steps down

Bye-bye, Brigitte Büscher

Brigitte Büscher made her last appearance on "Hart aber fair" on Monday
Brigitte Büscher made her last appearance on "Hart aber fair" on Monday

"Hart aber fair" audience expert steps down

On Monday evening, the ARD talk show "Hart aber fair" goes into its Christmas break. For one face of the show, however, it is a farewell for good: Brigitte Büscher, who has presented the opinions of viewers on the show for almost 23 years, is leaving.

Presenter Louis Klamroth only hints at it vaguely at first. But then Brigitte Büscher lets the cat out of the bag. As the ARD talk show "Hart aber fair" draws to a close on Monday evening under the motto "2023 - a year that teaches us to fear" and then takes its leave for the Christmas break, she takes the floor.

"Today is my last day on 'Hart aber fair'", Büscher announces her departure from the show after almost 23 years. Born in 1967, the journalist has always been responsible for presenting selected opinions from viewers since "Hart aber fair" went on air at the beginning of 2001. This means she has been part of the format for even longer than the show's original host Frank Plasberg, who stepped down at the end of 2022 and handed over the show to Klamroth.

Büscher, who otherwise works as a journalist and reporter at "Westdeutscher Rundfunk" (WDR), was on the show around 800 times. "It is very important to me that I can say goodbye to my viewers," she said directly into the camera on Monday evening. She said, "Thank you for the many years that I have been able to collect your opinions for you".

"Something so crazy"

In her short speech, Büscher recalled her early days on the show, when there were still "crazy things" like a "phone box" for calls from the audience or opinions expressed by fax. "I always found your opinion particularly valuable when you discussed it with respect," explained Büscher, before qualifying: "I wasn't happy about the hatred and agitation. We all know that this has increased significantly in recent years."

Ultimately, after all this time, she has now decided: "It's over for me. I'm going to start something new, go in new directions." She wishes "all the best, all the love". She will now see "what happens in 2024".

It was clear to see that it was not easy for Büscher to say goodbye. At the end, Klamroth gave her a hug and applause, which the audience joined in with. Whether there will be a successor for Büscher on "Hart aber fair" and who it might be was not initially known.

Read also:

After announcing her departure from "Hart aber fair" after nearly 23 years, Brigitte Büscher reflected on her time on the show, sharing memories of its early days and the value she placed on audience opinions shared respectfully. Despite the increase in hatred and agitation in recent years, Büscher expressed her gratitude for the opportunity to collect viewers' opinions and sign off with a wish for good luck in the future, hinting at her plans to explore new ventures on TV.


