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Hape Kerkeling would approve of AfD ban

In an interview, the 59-year-old explains why he thinks it would make sense to ban the AfD. And what his character Horst Schlämmer has in common with Sahra Wagenknecht.

Hape Kerkeling speaks plainly.
Hape Kerkeling speaks plainly.

People - Hape Kerkeling would approve of AfD ban

Comedian and author Hape Kerkeling would be in favor of banning the AfD party. The 59-year-old told the weekly newspaper "Die Zeit" (current issue). "Our Basic Law is pretty clear in Article 1 when it says that human dignity is inviolable. That applies always and everywhere. Anyone who does not abide by this is an enemy of our constitution. It's as simple and as complicated as that," he explained.

"It is quite clear to me that the AfD violates this principle and, above all, is driven by the principle that not all people are equal, but that we should make differences. They don't really convey this in their policies. But this principle of equality is very much called into question in the ideology of this party. Anyone who questions it has no place in the Bundestag. That is against our constitution."

In the interview,Kerkeling also spoke about the way in which he believes social media is changing public discourse. He compared his satirical politician character Horst Schlämmer, who espoused the political credo "Just muddle through", with the long-standing left-wing politician Sahra Wagenknecht, who left the party to found a rival project. She shares Schlämmer's agenda of simply offering a bit of everything ("left, liberal, conservative, everything that works"). "The fact that Sahra Wagenknecht is imitating the original like this is quite something."

Read also:

  1. Hape Kerkeling, a comedian and author, expressed his support for banning the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party due to their alleged violation of the principle of equality and human dignity as stated in the German Basic Law.
  2. In an interview with "Die Zeit", Kerkeling contrasted the AfD's stance on equality with that of his satirical politician character Horst Schlämmer and left-wing politician Sahra Wagenknecht, who shares Schlämmer's "bit of everything" approach to politics.
  3. Kerkeling also noted that social media is altering public discourse, suggesting that even politically seasoned individuals like Wagenknecht are influenced by popular trends, such as imitating Horst Schlämmer's "muddle through" credo.
  4. The comments from Hape Kerkeling gained attention from German media outlets, joining the ongoing debate about the AfD party's compatibility with German democratic values and their impact on public discourse.


