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There's love in the air: horse lover Hans and his
There's love in the air: horse lover Hans and his

Hans in Luck

On the "Bauer sucht Frau" farms, things are going according to plan in many places. In other words: shortly before the end of the farm week, the couples realize that true love could be waiting at the end of the big picture. Cupid does a particularly good job at one horse farm.

"Where is there a lot of heartbreak?", head matchmaker Inka Bause wants to know. The first farmer, who is now visibly smitten, goes by the name of Hans. At the end of the farm week in the beautiful Eifel region, the looks on the faces of the horse farmer and his Elke speak volumes. Whether they're doing gymnastics on the fascia roller, on horseback or simply arm in arm, twirling towards the North Rhine-Westphalian sunset, Hans and Elke enjoy every second together. It's no wonder that the first real kiss takes place at the gates of the imposing horse farm.

Sparks also fly between André and Julia.

Dairy farmer André and his always cheerful Julia are also not far away from the first wet lip service. The only obstacle on the road to happiness is mother cow "April". However, the jealous hoofed animal can be quickly appeased with plenty of fresh straw. Shortly before closing time and after a hearty hay date with home-baked bread and sparkling champagne, André purses his lips and tenderly approaches Julia's cheek. Cupid's blessing is omnipresent - in the cow pastures as well as in the paddocks and on the mountain peaks high up in the Bavarian nowhere, where sheep farmer Hannes and nanny Jenny are trying their luck in love.

Panoramic magic and etiquette fiasco

After a sumptuous farmer's breakfast, including a giant omelette and hilarious fatherly sayings ("If the farmer needs a sweater, it's October!"), the two lovebirds set off to "lay salt stones". Once on the mountain pasture, Jenny lets her gaze wander: "It's so beautiful here!" The blonde is not only impressed by her farmer, but also by the landscape.

Simone from Brandenburg would also love to go into raptures. But her time with bull farmer Siegfried is characterized by emotional downturns. After an initially very relaxed wellness trip with a whirlpool finale, the lady of the farm puts her hands over her face more than once at the dinner table. According to Simone, Siegfried's table manners still "leave a lot to be desired". But he just shrugs his shoulders: "That's just the way we do it in the Odenwald!" the farmer explains his animalistic eating behavior.

They also eat at Carolin's horse farm. Here, however, the focus is more on aiding digestion. Grandma Elfriede hops around the corner with a high-proof shot tray after she has finished covering the hay bales. Farm boy Marcel doesn't need to be asked twice. After a later ride followed by a picnic, Carolin and Marcel's hearts are beating to the same beat: "Shall we hug?" asks Carolin with a bright red head. One breath later, the horse manager and the trained farrier are cuddling in each other's arms.

Stefanie and Patrick get it on

In addition to the already familiar love constellations, poultry farmer Stefanie and dairy farmer Patrick are now also getting in on the action. Over delicious beer, homemade meatballs and sparkling champagne, Patrick and his two farm ladies Annika and Sarina get in the mood for an exciting week on the farm.

Poultry farmer Stefanie has invited Timo and Philipp to her farm. Not only are two pairs of work gloves and four power bars waiting for the new farm guests, but also lots of hungry goats and pigs. Hopefully, with so much work to look forward to, love will not be neglected.

Read also:

Inka Bause, the head matchmaker of "Bauer sucht Frau," expresses interest in areas experiencing heartbreak. Surprisingly, there's minimal heartbreak on farmer Hans' horse farm, where he shows a deep affection for his partner, Elke. The couple's affection grows throughout the week, culminating in a heartfelt kiss at the farm gates, which airs on the RTL reality-TV show.

Inka Bause's search for love strays to the world of dairy farmer André and his bubbly partner, Julia. However, their bond is slightly challenged by a jealous cow named April, who appreciates plenty of fresh straw as a love token, ultimately paving the way to their first kiss, as depicted on the TV series.


