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Habeck defends budget decisions

Proof of traffic light cohesion

Habeck also rejects the accusation of cheating on the debt
Habeck also rejects the accusation of cheating on the debt

Habeck defends budget decisions

The traffic lights agree on the budget for the coming year and criticism follows immediately, especially because a few points lead to an additional burden for citizens. Now Economics Minister Habeck is speaking out. He emphasizes that there is no other way.

Economics Minister Robert Habeck has defended the traffic light decisions on the 2024 budget against criticism. "It is true: not all of the costs triggered by the crisis can be borne," said the Green politician on ZDF television, commenting on the consequences of the Federal Constitutional Court's ruling on budget management. If we are no longer allowed to take on debt and have politically agreed not to raise taxes, then the state can either provide fewer services or increase revenue.

The traffic light government had done both by cutting subsidies and making savings, said Habeck. "I understand the resentment. But it is of course the only conceivable answer," added the Vice-Chancellor. The government had decided to spread the burden as widely as possible and not to make savings in one sector alone. Following the Karlsruhe ruling, the state would no longer be able to take over the grid fees, for example, as planned.

Habeck also rejected the accusation of cheating on the debt brake. The increased aid for Ukraine would now be covered by the budget. But if Ukraine needs more help and Germany has to do even more, then this will no longer come from the budget. "I think that is correct and right. And in my opinion, this is also completely in line with the ruling of the Federal Constitutional Court," said Habeck with regard to the agreement to declare an emergency situation for the suspension of the debt brake in this case.

The agreement on the 2024 budget is proof of how capable the traffic light government really is. "We have all jumped over our shadows. Nobody has pushed through their favourite or party program here," emphasized the Vice Chancellor. Unpopular but necessary burdens for the population had been decided. "And we are bearing this together. Nobody is shirking their responsibility," said the Green politician.

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In defending the traffic light coalition's budget proposals for 2024, Federal Economics Minister Robert Habeck emphasized the limited options for budgetary policy, citing the ruling of the Federal Constitutional Court and the agreement not to raise taxes. He highlighted the government's decision to address the additional burden on citizens by cutting subsidies and making savings across various sectors, rather than focusing on a single area.


