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GZSZ star Wolfgang Bahro has fallen

"Jo Gerner" on crutches

Even he is not completely invulnerable: "Jo Gerner" alias Wolfgang
Even he is not completely invulnerable: "Jo Gerner" alias Wolfgang

GZSZ star Wolfgang Bahro has fallen

Wolfgang Bahro actually just wants to kick a ball. But he slips and injures his hip. For the time being, he needs crutches to walk. This also has consequences for his role as "Jo Gerner" on "Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten".

This is not how we know "Jo Gerner": the otherwise untouchable super villain on "Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten" (GZSZ) is on crutches. The reason: actor Wolfgang Bahro injured himself at the beginning of October and had to have an operation. His current state of health will be incorporated into the series.

The actor (here with colleague Gisa Zach) uses crutches in his private life and in the series.

In an interview with RTL, Bahro reveals how the injury came about. "I passed a football pitch where a couple of boys were playing soccer. They kicked a ball at me and I wanted to kick it back," reports the GZSZ veteran. He kicked at the ball with his right foot and slipped on wet leaves with his left leg, according to the 60-year-old.

He did an "involuntary split" and broke his trochanter, a protrusion on the thigh bone, Bahro reveals. After an operation, he had to spend a week in hospital. After four weeks out of action, he is now starting the rehabilitation phase to be able to walk properly again. He therefore goes to a physiotherapist three to four times a week.

Also at "The Passion" at Easter

But now he is looking forward to being back in front of the camera, says Bahro. His colleagues have been "very kind and considerate" in supporting him.

Unlike his actor, "Jo Gerner" in GZSZ did not fall after a failed kick attempt. In the series, the lawyer returns from a trip abroad on crutches. Bahro hints to RTL that an e-scooter may have played a role in his character's accident. The episodes with his handicapped series character will be broadcast this winter.

Wolfgang Bahro should definitely be fit again by Easter. That's when he is due to appear on stage in the live spectacle "Die Passion" for RTL.


