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Guitarist from Queen experiences stroke, assures fans of well-being

Suddenly, legendary Queen guitarist Brian May experienced a loss of control in his arm. Medical professionals diagnosed him with a minor stroke. Fortunately, he's currently on the mend due to adhering to his doctors' recommendations.

Despite experiencing a stroke, guitarist Brian May affirms his ability to continue playing.
Despite experiencing a stroke, guitarist Brian May affirms his ability to continue playing.

- Guitarist from Queen experiences stroke, assures fans of well-being

Brian May, the legendary 77-year-old guitarist from Queen, shared that he'd experienced a minor stroke. Fear not, his health update is positive: "I'm doing fine," he declared in an Instagram post. Despite the incident, his musical skills remain intact. The issue emerged around a week back, and unexpectedly, he lost control over his arm. " letting me tell you, that was quite unsettling," he admitted.

May thankfully received top-notch care at the hospital and is now adhering to the medical team's advice – essentially, taking it easy. He's forbidden from venturing out, driving, flying, or pushing himself too hard. He joked about not requiring any pity, "that just clogs up my inbox, and I detest that."

As for his hobbies, he's been zealously advocating for hedgehog conservation in the UK. During the video, he discussed a documentary he produced on the issue.

Brian May, the renowned guitarist from Queen, has been actively advocating for hedgehog conservation, even sharing a documentary he produced on the topic. Despite experiencing a minor stroke and losing control of his arm for a short period, Brian May's passion for music remains undimmed.

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