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Guido Maria Kretschmer loses dog again

In a short time, Guido Maria Kretschmer has to come to terms with the death of a second dog. The fashion designer finds moving words.

Guido Maria Kretschmer lost a beloved four-legged one in this month.
Guido Maria Kretschmer lost a beloved four-legged one in this month.

Tears not dried yet - Guido Maria Kretschmer loses dog again

## Heavy Fate Blows for Guido Maria Kretschmer

Guido Maria Kretschmer (59), the "Shopping Queen" star, is currently going through tough times. First, on July 10, he had to cope with the death of his beloved dog Alaiyha, along with her husband Frank Mutters (69). And now, only nine days later, another misfortune struck: Alaiyha's sister Undine also closed her faithful eyes forever.

Heavy Losses for Guido Maria Kretschmer

"Our tears are still not dried, and now our beloved Undine is gone. She missed her sister so much and left us so quietly," Kretschmer wrote on Instagram. The dog had reportedly been rescued by the Kretschmers "many years ago" from a Spanish animal shelter. She had "thanked us with her gentle and loving nature from the first day to her last. The world has lost a dog angel." The post contains four touching images of the Greyhound.

Loss of Parents and Several Dogs

The fashion designer had to endure several painful blows of fate in the past year. In August 2022, his father Erich (87) passed away. His mother Marianne followed in December (84 years old). "When my mother died, everything was gone... I was lost like never before in my entire life," Kretschmer said in the NDR talkshow "deep and clear."

In April of this year, the family lost their dog Idaya, who was only four years old. "It tears our hearts apart and we are still in shock over this unexpected and tragic loss..." Kretschmer wrote on Instagram at the time. They had already mourned the loss of their dog Aimée the previous year. And now in July, the sudden death of two beloved dogs.

  1. Guido Maria Kretschmer, often referred to as the 'Shopping Queen', is grieving the loss of yet another beloved pet, as his mother's dog, Undine, passed away just nine days after his own dog, Alaiyha, and her husband, Frank Mutters.
  2. Kretschmer shared his grief on Instagram, expressing that their tears were still not dry, and remarking on Undine's deep affection for her sister, Alaiyha.
  3. In a previous NDR talkshow episode titled "deep and clear", Kretschmer opened up about the loss of his own parents, Erich and Marianne, who passed away within five months of each other in 2022.
  4. The fashion designer has had a string of painful losses, as he and his family also mourned the death of their dog Idaya back in April.
  5. The Kretschmer family's Instagram feed has become a private space for sharing their grief, with poignant tributes to their beloved pets, including dogs Alaiyha, Undine, Idaya, and Aimée.

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