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Government considers request for naval deployment in the Red Sea

Yemeni rebels see ships in the Red Sea heading for Israel as a "legitimate target". Now the cargo ship of a German shipping company is also coming into their crosshairs.

A Hapag-Lloyd container ship enters the port of Hamburg.
A Hapag-Lloyd container ship enters the port of Hamburg.

Conflict - Government considers request for naval deployment in the Red Sea

The German government has condemned the attack on a container freighter belonging to the German shipping company Hapag-Lloyd in the Red Sea and is examining a US request for a naval deployment. A spokesman for the Ministry of Defense said in Berlin on Friday that the US had asked the German Navy a few days ago whether it was in a position to provide support in the Red Sea, "without this being backed up with concrete demands". He said: "This request is currently being examined and will certainly be discussed with all the necessary responsible authorities in the government."

A spokeswoman for the Federal Foreign Office said that press reports about the attack on the "Al Jasrah" were known. There were no personal findings that could be shared now. "Overall, however, I can say that the German government condemns the attack on this ship just as much as the recent attacks on civilian merchant ships in the Red Sea and in the Al-Mandab Strait, which occur almost daily," she said. These were completely unacceptable and represented a massive intrusion into the security of international shipping.

The container freighter "Al Jasrah" was shot at and damaged in the strait between Yemen and Djibouti. There were no casualties, a spokesman for the Hamburg shipping company told the German Press Agency. The freighter had reportedly sailed through the Suez Canal from Piraeus in Greece and was heading for Singapore. According to media reports, there was a fire on board after the shelling.

Most recently, Yemeni Huthi rebels had attacked ships in the Red Sea. It was only on Thursday that German shipowners demanded protective measures from the German government and the EU. With a good 1,800 ships, the German merchant fleet is the seventh largest among the world's major merchant fleets. Since the outbreak of the Gaza war, the Iranian-backed Houthi rebels have repeatedly attacked Israel with drones and missiles, among other things, and have threatened to prevent ships of any nationality from passing through the Red Sea on their way to Israel in future.

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