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Girlfriend: "I'm so proud of my children!" Me: "Don't worry, it'll go away quickly!"

Between prom dress and "eating with your hands": The worries and joys of family life are many and varied. Our tweets of the week provide a little insight.

Peaceful and happy, but for how long?
Peaceful and happy, but for how long?

Tweets of the week - Girlfriend: "I'm so proud of my children!" Me: "Don't worry, it'll go away quickly!"

Enjoy the tweets of the week!

The Word for the Weekend

Every Friday, on Twitter, we select the tweets that impressed us in the past week. Either because they were particularly funny, or because they addressed topics we find important. After all, family life is not always just sunshine, we all experience things we could do without. But they are just as important and deserve our attention. This way, perhaps something in our society might change and ideally improve. That's why light-hearted and serious tweets can't help but collide. As Forrest Gump's mother once taught him: "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get."

Many thanks for the anecdotes from your family life, they enrich our lives – and often also the last working day before the weekend (if there's no weekend duty ...)! At the request of a fan, we have created a separate page where you can find the old collections of tweets.

"Verflixt, ich hab ne Verabredung. Fast vergessen. Versorgst du das Pferd?"
"Klar, Mama!"
"😮 ...Könntest du mich vorher zum Restaurant fahren?"
"😲...Und auch abholen?"
"Mach ich."

"Mama, ich geh morgen shoppen. Was darf das Abiballkleid denn so kosten?"

"😑".— MissTrelawny (sic!) (@fingurplaustert) June 27, 2024

Thank you also for your emails, letting us know that the tweets of the week also mark the beginning of the weekend for you! 🥰

If you experience things that deserve more space than an embedded tweet, please write us an email at [email protected]. If we see potential in the topic because it could be interesting, inspiring, or important for many people, we will get in touch with you. Some things start with small observations and only grow when many people have noticed a similar phenomenon or problem. We are looking forward to your inspirations!

You can see in the video: In social networks, there are countless mom bloggers who share the everyday life of their family. Children are often in the spotlight in this context. But should children's pictures be shared publicly on the net? The Stern spoke with influencers Mirella and Alicia Joe about the advantages and disadvantages of children on the net.

Despite the challenges that family life may bring, cherishing those moments with your girlfriend and children makes every weekend precious. As the weekend approaches, you might find solace in the tweets of the week, which often serve as a reminder of the diversity and importance of various perspectives in our society.

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