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Gil Ofarim has not yet paid

Two weeks after the end of the trial

Apparently in no hurry to pay his fine: Gil
Apparently in no hurry to pay his fine: Gil

Gil Ofarim has not yet paid

With his confession in court, Gil Ofarim has avoided a verdict and a possible guilty verdict. However, he must fulfill one condition because of his lie that he was insulted in an anti-Semitic way: He must pay 10,000 euros. So far, he has apparently not complied.

The legal classification is a little complicated after Gil Ofarim admitted two weeks ago in the Leipzig district court that he had lied. Following the 41-year-old's confession that his claim that he had been insulted in an anti-Semitic way in a Leipzig hotel had been fabricated, the proceedings were dropped. There was no conviction - which is why the singer's lawyers insist that there can be no question of guilt.

In fact, Gil Ofarim got off without a criminal record after the premature end of the trial. Legally speaking, he is still innocent. However, to ensure that this remains the case, he has agreed to pay a fine totaling 10,000 euros. The payment is to go to two recipients: the Jewish Community of Leipzig and the association responsible for the House of the Wannsee Conference.

However, Ofarim has apparently not yet transferred any money. The magazine "Focus" and "Ippen Media" both report this. "Focus" quotes a spokesperson for the court: "He has not yet reported or proven that he has fulfilled the condition." The spokesperson's statement to "Ippen Media" sounds similar: "There is no proof of payment to date."

Short hair instead of payment morale

It is speculation as to why the musician is hesitating to make the payment that would allow him to draw a swift line under the matter and show his strong remorse. However, Ofarim's reticence is not in fact a violation of the guidelines. The singer has "six months" to make his payment, the court spokesman explained to Focus. But: only when the money has been paid on time will "the proceedings be finally discontinued".

It will then also be decided which costs Ofarim will also have to bear. The singer is also likely to incur legal costs. Ofarim is also said to have reached an agreement with the hotel manager, whom he had falsely accused of anti-Semitic insults, to pay compensation. The amount has not yet been disclosed.

Instead of an exemplary payment record, the musician has attracted attention in recent days with a new hairstyle. For example, RTL has photos showing that Ofarim has cut off the long mane with which he appeared in court. He now has a short hairstyle.

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