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Gifts are not a question of date for him

Mario Adorf spends Christmas with his wife Monique in Paris. There is no traditional celebration and no presents.

Mario Adorf doesn't celebrate Christmas in the traditional
Mario Adorf doesn't celebrate Christmas in the traditional

Mario Adorf - Gifts are not a question of date for him

Mario Adorf (93) celebrates Christmas "hardly at all and certainly not traditionally". The actor revealed this to the Munich newspaper "Abendzeitung" (AZ) . He and his French-born wife Monique Faye (79) travel from his home in Munich to Paris for the holidays. There, the couple, who have been married for almost forty years, will celebrate in a small circle. "We invite friends, instead of a Christmas tree we have a flower arrangement," he told AZ.

He doesn't need "any predetermined holidays" for presents

There are no presents for Mario Adorf: "We give each other small gifts all year round, we don't need any set holidays."

French Christmas suits the actor better than German Christmas. "In Germany, Advent and the Christmas season are celebrated in a big way, whereas in France these days are less about tradition and more about enjoying a nice meal with loved ones." This suits the Zurich-born son of a German and an Italian better.

The Adorfs then head to St. Tropez for New Year's Eve. There, too, they celebrate with friends.

Mario Adorf and Monique Faye have been together since 1968

Mario Adorf has been married to Monique Faye since 1985. However, the couple have been in a relationship since 1968. "There are many older men who look for a younger wife," said Mario Adorf in an interview in 2018 "But I love seeing my wife age with me. I see this process with a lot of tenderness and affection."

At an advanced age, he sees himself as a better husband. "The temptations of the past are gone," he told Bild two years ago.

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