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Germany's disgrace in the Sylt video: Faeser's statement

Scholz discusses the issue of racism.

Racists have to face opposition everywhere - even among friends, says Faeser.
Racists have to face opposition everywhere - even among friends, says Faeser.

Germany's disgrace in the Sylt video: Faeser's statement

A storm of controversy has erupted over partygoers chanting offensive slogans on Sylt. The German authorities have strong words about the situation: Chancellor Scholz describes the language used as inhumane, while Interior Minister Faeser refers to the people involved as a disgrace to Germany.

In Faeser's opinion, the racist shouting incident on Sylt doesn't look good for the country. She tells the Funke Mediengruppe newspapers that anyone who screams Nazi slogans such as "Germany for the Germans - foreigners out" is a disgrace to Germany. The Minister of the Interior from the SPD wonders if we're dealing with people who reside in a neglected society that tramples on the values in the German constitution.

The type of environment that could encourage such blatantly hateful words is also a concern. "We can't allow this normalization," Faeser says. Racists should be met with opposition everywhere - from friends, at work, and in sports. She urges people to speak out and act against such hatred.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz also objects to the content of the video: "The Federal Chancellor categorically rejects any racist or inhumane statements like those seen in the video," a spokesperson states, as reported by ZDF.

The Ministry of the Interior's spokesperson notes that it's vital for the Schleswig-Holstein police to investigate and verify the video's authenticity. "One thing is certain," they emphasize, "the content of the video is extremely racist and inhumane. It goes against all that the Basic Law and human dignity stand for."

Reem Alabali-Radovan, the Federal Government's anti-racism commissioner, is taken aback by the video. "Guests at a celebrity club on Sylt were openly and brazenly shouting right-wing extremist and racist slogans against immigrants and their offspring," she remarks.

Alabali-Radovan stresses that the lack of intervention from the guests is alarming. She states, "It's mind-boggling that not a single guest intervened to stop these statements. It clearly shows that right-wing extremism and racism permeate all social circles and are not a fringe phenomenon - they're deeply entrenched in the middle-class milieu." She warns that this harmful ideology is eroding societal harmony. "We must vehemently oppose this with all our strength."

The video featuring young people yelling racial slogans outside a bar on the North Sea island of Sylt has caused outrage throughout Germany. The facility distanced itself from the revelers on Friday night and announced repercussions. In the footage, which has been circulating widely on social media since Thursday, young men and women chant "Foreigners out" and "Germany for the Germans" to the melody of the hit "L'amour Toujours" by Gigi D'Agostino.

One man appears to be indicating a Hitler mustache on his upper lip. The eatery's operators posted on Instagram that they're "deeply dismayed" by the video. "We dissociate ourselves from any form of racism and discrimination."

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Faeser expresses concern about the North Sea incident, as the people chanting Nazi slogans like "Germany for the Germans - foreigners out" are a disgrace to Germany and could indicate a neglected society spawning hatred. This right-wing extremism and racism are deeply ingrained, Alabali-Radovan notes, and it's alarming that not a single guest intervened in the North Sea incident, demonstrating its prevalence even in middle-class milieus.


