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Germany to provide additional 39 million euros of aid to Gaza.

Charitable assistance is on its way.

Das Leid der Menschen im Gazastreifen "kann keinen Tag weitergehen", sagt Außenministerin Baerbock.
Das Leid der Menschen im Gazastreifen "kann keinen Tag weitergehen", sagt Außenministerin Baerbock.

Germany to provide additional 39 million euros of aid to Gaza.

Germany is believed to be giving another 39 million euros in humanitarian aid for the Gaza Strip, according to sources in Brussels. The funding is said to be for healthcare support and stopping potential cholera breakouts. The WHO is set to help with this initiative.

It appears that Germany's humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip will rise by about 39 million euros, says diplomatic sources in Brussels. Reportedly, this money will be used for medical assistance and to prevent cholera outbreaks there. While chatting on the sidelines of a meeting with other EU ministers in Brussels, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock mentioned that the situation in the Middle East is dire: "This cannot go on any longer."

Given the current situation in the Middle East, Baerbock, who is a Green politician, stressed the importance of international law: "Hamas fired rockets at Tel Aviv, yet simultaneously, people are burning in tents." She then added, "International law, humanitarian law - these rules should apply to everyone." She also mentioned that ICJ decisions are binding and must be obeyed. Right now, however, the opposite is happening.

According to recent accounts, over 35 people were killed, according to the Hamas-controlled health authority, in an Israeli air raid in Rafah in the Gaza Strip on Sunday. Until confirmation from independent sources, these numbers cannot be verified. The Palestinian Red Crescent states that tents housing displaced civilians were hit during the air raid.

On X, the Israeli military affirmed that they had carried out an air raid on a Hamas facility. They also asserted that the raid was legal as per the international law. The military will also investigate allegations of fires breaking out due to the air raid, allegedly damaging those not connected to the conflict.

On Friday, the ICJ demanded that Israel halt its military operation in Rafah. ICJ judgments are binding; however, the UN judges have no power to enforce their decisions.

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