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Germany may carry out an arrest warrant on Netanyahu.

Obeying legal requirements

Chancellor Scholz is facing a political dilemma because of the arrest warrant application in The...
Chancellor Scholz is facing a political dilemma because of the arrest warrant application in The Hague for Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu.

Germany may carry out an arrest warrant on Netanyahu.

The International Criminal Court (ICC) has requested warrants for the arrest of certain Israeli political figures as well as leaders from the terrorist organization Hamas. This news has caused outrage in Israel. In response, German government spokesperson Steffen Hebestreit explained that Germany would follow any decision made by the ICC.

According to Hebestreit, the German government is a strong supporter of the ICC. "We will abide by the law and order," he said. Karim Ahmad Khan, chief prosecutor of the ICC, called for arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, as well as the head of Hamas in Gaza Strip, Yahya Sinwar. The charges are related to alleged crimes against humanity during the Gaza war.

However, the German government has criticized Khan for applying for arrest warrants against both Israeli officials and Hamas leaders simultaneously, implying an equal footing between the two parties. A spokesperson for the Federal Foreign Office said, "The simultaneous application for arrest warrants against Hamas leaders on one hand and two Israeli officials on the other has created the incorrect impression of an equation." The ICC will now assess the different facts in each case.

Israeli officials have expressed outrage at the request. Israeli Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara stated that there is no basis for the request and that the court has no jurisdiction over state representatives. Israeli officials are bound by international law, she added.

The United States and Israel do not recognize the ICC. Palestine, however, is a state party, so Khan is legally allowed to investigate. The ICC judges will now decide whether or not to issue the arrest warrants. If they do, proceedings against the accused can begin.

Rolf Mützenich, leader of the SPD parliamentary group in Germany, urged an impartial examination of the allegations against Netanyahu. "While it is understandable to condemn the actions of Hamas and its leaders, it is not appropriate to link them to Israeli government politicians," he said in an interview with the magazine "Stern". "If the chief prosecutor at the ICC has gathered reliable and credible evidence against Israeli officials, then this must be considered by an independent panel of judges without prejudice."

Mützenich called for restraint in the public debate and urged against damaging the reputation of the ICC. "We should be careful not to jump to conclusions," he said, adding, "The importance of maintaining the integrity and legitimacy of the International Criminal Court outweighs any political criticism of the prosecution's actions."

Hamas is responsible for a brutal massacre in which men, women, and children were killed, raped, and abducted in Israel on October 7. The ICC recognizes Israel's right and duty to protect its population against these atrocities. Hamas continues to hold Israeli hostages in inhumane conditions, attack Israel with rockets, and use the civilian population in Gaza as human shields. The spokesperson emphasized that international humanitarian law and all its obligations must be upheld.

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