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Germans trust doctors - and the police - the most

Once a year, the Forsa Institute assesses the reputation of 36 institutions. The reputation of medicine and security authorities remains good, but more and more Germans distrust politics. However, a newcomer is in last place in the ranking.

Is it because of the many TV series? 81 percent of Germans have great trust in doctors. The
Is it because of the many TV series? 81 percent of Germans have great trust in doctors. The photo shows the team of actors from the ARD doctor series "In aller Freundschaft"

Survey for stern, RTL and ntv - Germans trust doctors - and the police - the most

Germans trust doctors and the police the most and distrust social media and advertising agencies the most. This is the result of the latest edition of the institutional ranking, which Forsa has been conducting regularly for almost two decades on behalf of stern, RTL and ntv. For this, 36 institutions from politics, business and society were asked whether citizens have great trust in them. Doctors (81%), the police (81%) and universities (73%) remain at the top of the list. These are joined by the Federal Constitutional Court (74%, up 4 percentage points) and the courts in general (71%, up 3 percentage points), with significantly improved values compared to the previous year. The strongest increase of seven percentage points was recorded by the German armed forces, which 53% now have great confidence in.

The reputation of social media was surveyed for the first time, coming in last place in the ranking together with advertising agencies. Only three percent of Germans have great trust in each of them. The results for traditional media are significantly better: radio 50 percent, press 41 percent and television 27 percent.

Trust in political institutions collapses

Trust in the central political institutions at federal level has plummeted even further. Only 20 percent still have great confidence in the Federal Chancellor - 13 percent less than a year ago. The loss of trust in the federal government as a whole is just as severe, with only 21% of respondents still having confidence in it. The figures for the Bundestag show that this is not just a problem for the traffic light coalition. It also only achieved a trust rating of 32% - five percentage points less. Only 13% trust the political parties - a drop of four percentage points.

What is particularly striking is the extent to which AfD supporters distrust everyone and everything. The larger their share of the electorate, the more their views shape the overall picture. Only 34 percent trust the Federal Constitutional Court, only eight percent trust the press and only one percent trust the Federal Chancellor. Only one value is significantly higher than in the rest of the population: 14% of AfD voters trust social media.

The data was collectedby the market and opinion research institute forsa for stern and RTL Deutschland between December 6 and 12, 2023. Data basis: 4002 respondents. Statistical margin of error: +/- 2.5 percentage points

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