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Germans seek enhanced passion and charisma from their leader

Likely culprit for the ongoing dispute: FDP

According to a majority of respondents, Chancellor Scholz (right) should crack down on the...
According to a majority of respondents, Chancellor Scholz (right) should crack down on the coalition more often.

Germans seek enhanced passion and charisma from their leader

The three-party coalition of SPD, Greens, and FDP is experiencing internal conflicts, with over a third of the voters laying blame at the FDP. The FDP receives the highest share of blame among the coalition partners. A majority of Germans also want to hear a firm leadership voice from the Chancellor's office.

The coalition has a long way to go, with the regular election date set for September 2025, but their disagreements have been intensifying since coming into office. Conflicts mainly revolve around the budgetary issues and child protection policies. Over 1/3rd of Germans find the FDP responsible for the current disputes, while almost three-quarters of citizens want the Chancellor to take a harder stance in governmental affairs.

The latest RTL/ntv trend barometer survey shows that 36% of voters hold the FDP liable for the present disputes. Meanwhile, 30% think the Greens hold most responsibility for the tension within the coalition. Only 11% assign blame to the SPD. Notably, 14% point fingers at all three parties.

Furthermore, the SPD and Green voters directed more blame at the FDP. 50% of SPD supporters and 78% of Green sympathizers believe that the FDP is causing the coalition discord.

While 55.8% of FDP supporters accuse the Greens, only 37% of BSW voters and 39% of CDU/CSU voters share this view, making it the highest percentage when assessing responsibility. AfD voters are particularly aggressive in their accusations, with 58% fingering the Greens as the leaders behind the conflict.

With growing unrest within the coalition, 73% of respondents urge the Chancellor to act more assertively. Conversely, just 16% think that the Chancellor is appropriately exercising his authority, and only issuing directives as needed.

While 73% of all respondents want a stronger leadership from the Chancellor, it's interesting to note that the proportion of those who share this opinion is higher within the SPD base (74%). It's also evident that the coalition partners, not just the SPD supporters, desire more decisiveness from the Chancellor's office. CDU/CSU voters along with AfD supporters are overwhelmingly in favor of a firmer stance, with 79%, 84%, and 87% respectively, favoring a more proactive stance from Olaf Scholz.

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