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German highway parkingsact as barriers, obstructing the free flow of traffic.

The facility 'Demminer Land' stopover receives a commendable 'good' rating among the scarcely...
The facility 'Demminer Land' stopover receives a commendable 'good' rating among the scarcely evaluated rest spots, as recognized by ADAC.

German highway parkingsact as barriers, obstructing the free flow of traffic.

During prolonged car journeys, taking regular breaks is crucial. However, a test conducted by ADAC on 40 rest areas along German motorways reveals that travelers might encounter unsatisfactory conditions, steep prices, and inferior toilet facilities. Surprisingly, just 20% of these locations were rated "good".

The assessment was based on factors such as "prices", "additional infrastructure", "outdoor facilities", "catering", and "sanitary facilities". Each test site was visited four times between May and July 2024, as per ADAC. A five-point rating scale was utilized: "very good", "good", "sufficient", "deficient", and "very deficient".

Unfortunately, not a single rest area achieved a "very good" rating. The best performance was a "good" grade, awarded to 8 of the 40 locations. However, 6 also received a "deficient" rating. The majority (26) were categorized as "sufficient".

The winner offers a well-maintained and family-friendly atmosphere

The testers selected Fürholzen West on the A 9 as the winner. It impressed with its "well-maintained and family-friendly environment". The ADAC also commended the clean sanctuary facilities and the "extensive and comparatively affordable food offer in the catering".

Rated "good" in totality:

  • Fürholzen West (A 9)
  • Demminer Land (A 20)
  • Sindelfinger Wald Süd (A 8)
  • Steigerwald Süd (A 3)
  • Kraichgau Süd (A 6)
  • Samerberg Süd (A 8)
  • Brohltal West (A 61)
  • Plötzetal West (A 14)

Several rest areas share the bottom spot - "with various shortcomings". The ADAC mentions the rest areas Fuchsberg Süd (A 20), Münsterland West (A 1), and Eisenach Nord (A 4). In these locations, the candidates scored "deficient" or "very deficient" in at least three of the five test categories.

Rated "deficient" in totality:

  • Buckautal Süd (A 2)
  • Frechen Süd (A 4)
  • Donautal West (A 3)
  • Eisenach Nord (A 4)
  • Münsterland West (A 1)
  • Fuchsberg Süd (A 20)

The price aspect also drew criticism: 75% of the petrol station shops on the rest areas were rated either "expensive" or "very expensive". However, this is not the case with the rated catering: Here, two-thirds of the rest areas received the rating "cheap" or "very cheap". The prices at motorway service stations served as a reference.

Significant price differences for food

The testers noted the remarkable price disparities between the rest areas. For instance, a child's menu cost between 3.99 and 6.99 euros. The price of a popular schnitzel with fries varied depending on the location. The cheapest was 10.99 euros, but the most expensive was 19.99 euros, close to double the cost. On average, you would pay 14.72 euros - compared to the previous year, this was an average increase of 13.80 euros.

A positive note for sanitary facilities

Regarding the sanitary facilities, the testers observed noticeably few drawbacks: None of them were rated "deficient", and 36 were deemed "good" or "very good". However, there were also weaknesses: 90% featured an automatic seat-cleaning mechanism; unfortunately, about 17% of these did not function properly during the visits, according to ADAC. In addition, the cleanliness of the cabins was lacking in about a quarter of the cases, as per the testers' expectations for a one-euro Sanifair token.

Mixed results for charging infrastructure and accessibility

Moreover, points of concern included accessibility. At 19 of the 40 facilities, disabled parking spaces were located more than 30 meters from the rest area entrance. Despite having a barrier-free toilet at every location, about a third were combined with a baby changing room.

If you're driving an electric vehicle and require quick charging during a break, ADAC provides a mixed outlook: Only charging pillars up to 150 kW were found at 40% of the facilities, and three did not have any electrical charging infrastructure at all.

The test conducted by ADAC highlighted that some travelers might face steep prices and inferior toilet facilities at certain rest areas along German motorways. The ADAC testers praised Fürholzen West on the A 9 for its "well-maintained and family-friendly environment" and "extensive and comparatively affordable food offer" in the catering, which earned it a "good" rating.

The victorious site in the test is the pause spot Fuerholzen situated on the A9 highway within Bavaria.

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