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German Farmers' Association calls for rally in Berlin on Monday

From tax concessions

Farmers warn of yield
Farmers warn of yield

German Farmers' Association calls for rally in Berlin on Monday

The German Farmers' Association is calling for a rally in Berlin this Monday to protest against the planned abolition of tax breaks by the "traffic light" coalition. Under the motto "Too much is too much", the aim is to express outrage at the end of regulations on agricultural diesel and vehicle tax exemptions for agriculture and forestry. "If these plans are not withdrawn, there will be fierce resistance," said Farmers' President Joachim Rukwied on Friday.

The rally is to take place on Monday at 11.00 a.m. at the Brandenburg Gate. A large number of tractors are also expected to attend the protest in Berlin. According to the association, the proposals would deprive the industry of almost one billion euros. The background to this is an agreement reached by the coalition leaders on savings in the 2024 budget. Until now, agricultural businesses have been able to receive a partial refund of the energy tax on diesel.

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