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German exports to countries outside the EU rise by 3.7%

During April, shocking statistics were revealed about the alarmingly high number of car accidents in the city and the measures taken to address this issue.

Exports from Germany to non-EU countries up 3.7 percent
Exports from Germany to non-EU countries up 3.7 percent

German exports to countries outside the EU rise by 3.7%

The Federal Statistical Office in Wiesbaden announced that Germany's exports to non-EU countries increased by 3.7% in April, compared to March. The value of these exports reached €62.1 billion. This marks a 17.5% increase from April 2023.

Germany's biggest customer outside the EU continued to be the US, with €14.6 billion worth of goods exported to them. This represents a 22.3% year-on-year rise.

Notably, China purchased €8.8 billion worth of German products in April, marking an increase of 13.2% from the same month in 2023. The UK, another major customer, saw a significant increase of 31.3%, with €7.3 billion worth of exports.

Switzerland, the fourth most important client outside the EU, also bought more from Germany. Their import volume increased by 27.4% year-on-year to €10.2 billion.

However, Germany's exports to Russia continued to decline in April, falling to €0.7 billion. Exports to Turkey and Japan also experienced a decrease.

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