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"Further measures are needed in asylum policy"

Teuteberg in the ntv early start

"Further measures are needed in asylum policy"

FDP politician Teuteberg welcomes the European asylum reform, but warns against expecting too much. Further steps are necessary. She does not expect any pre-Christmas calm in the budget dispute between the coalition of the two parties. The situation remains tense.

FDP politician Linda Teuteberg welcomes the EU agreement on a reform of asylum and migration policy. At the same time, however, she warned against expecting too much. "It is a step towards more control, more order and management of migration," she said on ntv Early Start. "However, I don't think it should be the last step, because the scope of application is relatively limited to people from countries with a recognition rate of less than 20 percent. So it doesn't cover all people who want to come to Europe, and that's why further measures will be necessary."

Another major problem is the so-called secondary migration of refugees who travel on within the European Union. The member of the FDP Federal Executive Committee called for social benefits to only be paid in the country that is also responsible for the asylum procedure, "so that we can prevent this secondary migration".

The asylum package adopted at the same time by the traffic light coalition was important but not sufficient. "We must make deportations easier. This is simply the enforcement of the obligation to leave the country. And here, too, it must be said again and again: this is part of a functioning asylum system, that the result of a constitutional asylum procedure is also consistently enforced. Even if the outcome is negative."

"You'll have to ask the two Christians"

With regard to the federal budget, Teuteberg does not expect a pre-Christmas calm to return following the list of cuts presented by the federal government. "Many people are now preoccupied and this is naturally a tense situation," said the former FDP Secretary General. "It's a shame that some people first needed the ruling from Karlsruhe to understand that we need to strengthen the debt brake and not tighten it." Politics is not synonymous with spending money, but must set priorities.

Teuteberg did not want to comment on the fact that FDP parliamentary group leader Christian Dürr has announced his veto against the cuts in agriculture co-negotiated by party leader Christian Lindner. "You'll have to ask the two Christians how they talk to each other." The abolition of the agricultural diesel subsidy is in any case questionable from a climate policy perspective. "By the way, how do we do climate protection so that it's not just well-intentioned, but well done? Farmers have no alternative at all." After all, agricultural vehicles cannot be powered by batteries.

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Teuteberg emphasized the need for additional measures in the area of climate protection, as Budgetary policy should allocate sufficient funds to this critical issue. She highlighted that the FDP's refugee policy must also prioritize protecting the climate, as the secondary migration of refugees leads to increased greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, Linda Teuteberg expressed her concern about the impact of the abolition of agricultural diesel subsidies on climate policies, as farmers may have limited alternatives for powering their vehicles.




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