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Fritz Wepper in hospital with blood poisoning

Two months after the brother's death

This is not the first time that 82-year-old Fritz Wepper has suffered from
This is not the first time that 82-year-old Fritz Wepper has suffered from

Fritz Wepper in hospital with blood poisoning

TV star Fritz Wepper has been in a Munich hospital for two weeks now, at times in intensive care. According to a media report, the doctors are worried that sepsis is affecting his artificial heart valve. The 82-year-old has just had to bury his brother.

Less than two months after the death of his brother Elmar Wepper, TV star Fritz Wepper is in hospital due to blood poisoning. This was reported by the "Bild" newspaper with reference to those closest to the actor. According to the report, the 82-year-old has been in Munich's Großhadern Hospital for two weeks. He was admitted there two weeks ago and Fritz Wepper was in intensive care at times, the newspaper continued.

The actor ("Um Himmels Willen", "Derrick") had to fear for the function of his artificial heart valve due to blood poisoning, it continued. Fritz Wepper almost died from the consequences of such sepsis back in 2011. At the time, it was his wife Susanne Kellermann who urged him to see a doctor. He was immediately admitted to hospital. An emergency operation saved the actor's life, as he later confessed: "I was on the edge for a night. One day later in hospital and I would have been dead." The trigger at the time was an injury from his wire-haired dog Aron, who scratched him. The reason for the current blood poisoning is not yet known.

Death of his brother "out of the blue"

Fritz Wepper most recently had to cope with the death of his brother Elmar on October 31. It probably came as a complete surprise to him. "It was not to be expected, I am full of grief," said the 82-year-old actor in an interview with the magazine "Bunte" at the beginning of November. There had been "no signs of physical weakness or illness". The TV star added: "It came out of the blue, like a terrible bolt of lightning. The only consolation is that he didn't suffer, but died of a cardiac arrest." However, Wepper struggled greatly with the loss of his brother, who was three years younger. "I would have had so much to say to him," he told "Bunten".

Fritz Wepper played a leading role in the Oscar-winning musical adaptation Cabaret alongside Liza Minnelli, directed by Bob Fosse, as a Jewish bon vivant who initially pretends to be a Christian in the era of growing anti-Semitism in the late Weimar Republic. He became internationally famous as early as 1959 with the anti-war film "Die Brücke". Fritz Wepper had his breakthrough in the role of assistant Harry Klein in the crime series "Der Kommissar" and "Derrick".

Read also:

Fritz Wepper, currently in the hospital in Munich due to blood poisoning, is known for his roles in popular German TV shows like "Um Himmels Willen" and "Derrick". This recent health issue comes barely two months after he lost his brother Elmar. During his stay in the hospital, fans can find comfort in watching him in his role in the crime thriller series "Derrick", now available on various streaming platforms as entertaining content.


