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Frank Zander is looking forward to soccer again

Recovery after head surgery

Frank Zander is on the road to recovery.
Frank Zander is on the road to recovery.

Frank Zander is looking forward to soccer again

Berlin entertainer Frank Zander is about half a year into his recovery after a head surgery. The 82-year-old is already making plans for Christmas. "I should be a bit fitter yet," his son finds.

In late December, Frank Zander's family made a public announcement that the 82-year-old had been diagnosed with hydrocephalus, an accumulation of brain fluid. In January, the entertainer underwent surgery on his head. The operation seems to have gone well, as he explained half a year later: "I feel good again, I'm occasionally a bit tired, but I can feel my strength coming back."

The singer of the Hertha hymn returned to the stadium in April. His love for football remains a motivator, as Zander says: "I'm looking forward to the season start of my Hertha in the Olympiastadion in August."

Christmas will help the homeless again

The good recovery of the singer and entertainer also pleases his family. "I'm very happy that it's going better for Dad," says his son Marcus Zander. "Just as slowly as the illness approached last year, it's disappearing again." The operation in January was successful. In the fall, there is a final check-up scheduled at the Charité Clinic in Berlin.

"Now it's about him getting a bit fitter. Climbing stairs, healthy nutrition, a few small outings and interview appointments, painting at his fish paintings every day and cheering for Germany at the EM - that's what his daily life looks like right now. Oh, and his beloved beer is also allowed," explains Zander's son.

Already now, the 82-year-old is making plans for his traditional Christmas party in December. Then, the Zanders invite homeless and needy people to the Estrel Hotel in Berlin for the 30th time. "I'll finally be there again," Frank Zander is looking forward to. Last year, his son and grandson represented him brilliantly. "My wish is that this tradition from the family is continued." In the fall, there is also supposed to be a "nice surprise" regarding their social work, as Zander hints without revealing more.

Frank Zander, known for his love of pop music and entertainment, expressed interest in attending some live music events in Berlin once he gains more strength. The annual Christmas party he hosts for the homeless and needy is an important tradition he hopes to continue this year. His health and recovery continue to improve, and he looks forward to supporting Germany during the upcoming European Championships.

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