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Frank Farian distances himself from Milli Vanilli film

"Not my truth"

Of course, nobody can look like him: Frank
Of course, nobody can look like him: Frank

Frank Farian distances himself from Milli Vanilli film

It was one of the biggest scandals in music history: the Milli Vanilli debacle. Director Simon Verhoeven deals with the farce in the film "Girl You Know It's True". Producer Frank Farian, who is played by Matthias Schweighöfer in the film, is only cautiously enthusiastic.

According to its producer Frank Farian, the film "Girl You Know It's True" about the scandal surrounding the band Milli Vanilli is "less than 80 percent" true. "It's not the truth as I experienced it. That's why I'm somewhat distanced from it," the 82-year-old told the "Saarbrücker Zeitung".

In the film, Matthias Schweighöfer slips into the role of Frank Farian.

Singer Robert "Rob" Pilatus died differently than in the movie, continued Farian, who had discovered the band. "It was an absolute drama for us, the whole world cried. When my daughter saw the movie in Miami, nobody cried a tear. Despite the drama."

The film by director Simon Verhoeven will be released in cinemas on December 21. It tells the story of one of the biggest cheating scandals in music history, when it was revealed in the early 1990s that Pilatus and his Milli Vanilli partner Fabrice "Fab" Morvan had never sung their hits such as "I'm Gonna Miss You" or "Girl You Know It's True" themselves.

"He embodies me excellently"

Farian, who lives in Miami in the US state of Florida, acted as co-producer of the film now being released, according to his statements in the interview with the "Saarbrücker Zeitung". However, he had no direct influence and trusted the film company completely.

Matthias Schweighöfer slips into the role of Frank Farian, who was delighted with the 42-year-old actor's performance: "Nobody can look like Frank Farian! But he embodies me excellently," said Farian, who says he has already seen the film four times.

Pilatus died back in 1998, marked by his drug addiction. Farian also commented on the circumstances of his death: The story of Milli Vanilli had "not contributed at all" to the fact that the Munich native had already died at the age of 33. "Rob was a very serious drug addict. I paid for his rehab in the Black Forest, I paid 300,000 dollars bail in the USA so that I could get him out of prison," said Farian.

The music producer also revealed that a new Milli Vanilli album with previously unreleased songs would soon be released. The video for the second single has already been shot. "So there's more to come," said Farian.

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