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Four signs that you'll stay single forever

A life as a single person, forever? Scientists believe that there are certain characteristics that increase the likelihood of remaining single.

Single forever? The focus in life often determines the relationship status
Single forever? The focus in life often determines the relationship status

Increased probability - Four signs that you'll stay single forever

"For every pot there is a lid" - this is not entirely true, as researchers have discovered that people with certain traits are more likely to remain single for longer periods.

For those who desire to find a partner as a single person but have not been successful in maintaining a committed relationship, it might be due to their own personality. Psychologist Mark Travers reports in "Psychology Today" which characteristics make a person a long-term single, often without them even being aware.

With these four characteristics, one remains rather single

Having children is not a priority in lifeMost people wish to establish their own family at some point in their lives. If one does not feel the desire for children, the search for a suitable partner becomes more challenging. However, there are also couples who consciously decide against having children. Research shows that people without children experience a higher level of "happiness in the moment," while parents experience more contemplative happiness or a heightened sense of life fulfillment. The research also indicates that it is more important for life satisfaction to have a job rather than a relationship or to be married.

Career-drivenIf you are extremely focused on your career and your job is more important to you than anything else, this is a clear sign that you are more likely to be a single type. Relationships require time, money, and sometimes nerves, which many career-oriented people are unwilling to give. Potential partners do not always want to be second fiddle.

RebelsIf you hate the fact that society imposes norms and values such as family foundation, monogamy, and marriage on us and you generally do not want to be confined to schemes, this could be a clear sign that you are happier as a single person.

The commitment-phobicIf you generally notice that you have problems with commitments, if you have childhood trauma in your background or other issues that become apparent when a relationship becomes more concrete, you should seek help. This pattern of commitment avoidance is unlikely to disappear overnight and will likely cause you to end up single again, both consciously and unconsciously.

It is essential to be aware of what type of person you are when making one of the most important decisions in your life, such as family foundation. According to the psychologist, however, approximately half of all adults today have real problems with committing to a long-term, monogamous relationship and voluntarily choose to remain single.

Source: Psychology Today

Despite the societal norm of starting a family, some individuals with a career-focused approach find it challenging to balance professional lives with committed relationships, resulting in a higher likelihood of remaining single. Furthermore, for those who rebel against societal expectations of marriage and monogamy, the freedom of singledom often aligns better with their values, keeping them single by choice.

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