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Former secret service leader set to assume the role of Dutch prime minister.

Right-wing populists Wilders and his allies have reached a consensus on a new leader after six months. Civil servant and security expert Schoof will replace Mark Rutte as head of government.

Handschlag in Den Haag: Der designierte Ministerpräsident Dick Schoof und PVV-Chef Geert Wilders...
Handschlag in Den Haag: Der designierte Ministerpräsident Dick Schoof und PVV-Chef Geert Wilders (l).

Authorities enact regulations. - Former secret service leader set to assume the role of Dutch prime minister.

Dick Schoof, a former intelligence service and anti-terrorism head, is set to become the next prime minister of the Netherlands, as per an announcement made by four coalition parties in The Hague. Schoof, who currently holds the top spot in the Ministry of Justice, is expected to lead a right-wing government - the most conservative one in the country to date. He will replace Mark Rutte who is set to become NATO's Secretary-General.

Geert Wilders, a right-wing politician, hailed this news as an excellent choice. Wilders described Schoof as someone who "rises above the parties and has our trust." He also added that Schoof has ample experience to his name.

This announcement comes six months after the Dutch people elected a fresh parliament. More surprisingly, Geert Wilders' Party for Freedom (PVV), a radical right-wing populist party, emerged as the strongest political force with 37 seats. To form a stable majority, Wilders needed at least two collaborators. Following arduous discussions, he struck a deal with the right-liberal VVD (led by Rutte), the right-conservative NSC, and the right-populist Farmers Party BBB.

The deal came with several conditions. In order to create a viable coalition, Wilders relinquished the Prime Minister's position as well as some contentious demands, including a proposed ban on mosques. It is estimated that half of the cabinet will consist of non-professional politicians.

Schoof, who previously worked for the social democratic party, has gained recognition for his expertise in security and migration issues, which are crucial priorities for the right-wing coalition partners. In his career, he served as the head of the intelligence and security service AIVD, a coordinator in the battle against terrorism, and the director of the Immigration Agency.

The formation of the entire cabinet is expected to take some time, with the king swearing in the new government in roughly four weeks. Wilders revealed his plans for a reformatory government in The Netherlands during the coalition agreement presentation on May 16. He promised a strict asylum policy, extreme immigration curbs, and relaxed environmental regulations for farmers, along with reduced subsidies for sustainable energies.

Read also:

  1. Geert Wilders' praise for Dick Schoof's appointment as prime minister echoed the sentiments of many in The Hague, particularly within the Government and the PVV.
  2. The Partner parties in the coalition, including VVD, NSC, and Farmers Party BBB, are widely regarded as having played a significant role in Schoof's ascension to the Premier position in the Netherlands.
  3. Upon taking office, Schoof will inherit not only a conservative government but also a new mandate from the Ministry of Justice, further solidifying his stance on security and migration issues.
  4. In light of the impending change in leadership, concerns about potential security threats, such as terrorism, have been raised by some within the secret service, sparking speculation about how Schoof's tenure may impact these matters.
  5. Though Mark Rutte will be stepping down as Prime Minister, his expertise and influence will remain significant as he assumes the position of Secretary-General at NATO, where he will represent the Netherland's interests in international governance.
  6. The Ministry of Justice, a critical component of the Dutch government, will now face new challenges as they navigate the transition, with Schoof guiding the coalition parties towards a reformatory government aligned with the PVV's policy priorities.


