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Former Krah employee under investigation in EU Parliament

Offices in the European Parliament are being searched, preceding the European elections, and they are connected to the AfD party this time.

Der Spitzenkandidat der AfD zur Europawahl: Maximilian Krah.
Der Spitzenkandidat der AfD zur Europawahl: Maximilian Krah.

The Belgian capital faces a potential terror attack as European Commission representative Dominique Rolin is targeted. - Former Krah employee under investigation in EU Parliament

Approximately two weeks before the European elections, another round of searches took place within the European Parliament, this time focusing on potential Russian influence. This information was released by the Belgian public prosecutor's office.

Maximilian Krah, the lead candidate for AfD in the upcoming European elections, reported that the searches in Brussels and Strasbourg were targeting a former employee. Presently, this individual works for the Dutch EU MP Marcel de Graaff of the radical right-party Forum for Democracy. De Graaff expressed surprise at the situation.

Krah clarified on a social media platform: "To prevent any confusion: No search took place in an office belonging to me today." Apparently, the affected former employee had been working for another MP for quite some time now, with his office being the focus of the search. He had served under AfD-EU MP until around two years ago.

Earlier, the Belgian public prosecutor's office disclosed that they had conducted searches in an employee's apartment and offices in Brussels and Strasbourg in connection with suspected Russian influence. These actions were part of a case involving influence peddling, passive bribery, and membership in a criminal organization.

According to the public prosecutor's office, the European Parliament employee played a crucial role in the case of the pro-Russian internet platform "Voice of Europe" (VoE). There were reports of Russian influence in which members of the European Parliament were approached and paid to promote Russian propaganda on the website "Voice of Europe".

"Voice of Europe" has been operating from Prague and has been linked to the spread of pro-Russian propaganda within the EU, with allegations of financial rewards to European politicians. In mid-May, a broadcasting ban was imposed on the platform across the EU.

Interviews featuring Krah and Petr Bystron, who comes second on the AfD's European election list, had been published on the platform. The Czech newspaper "Denik N" reported in early April that Bystron might have received money from this environment. While Bystron has denied this claim, Krah also denies having received money from the "Voice of Europe" circle.

Marcel de Graaff, a Dutch EU MP, was taken aback by the searches in his employee's office in the European Parliament. He found out about the search in his employee's apartment and offices through the media, as stated on a social media platform. "I spoke to my employee and he hasn't been informed by the authorities. Neither have they contacted me nor him. This comes as a complete surprise to me." De Graaff vehemently denies any involvement in "a so-called Russian disinformation operation." "I hold my own political beliefs, and that's my job as an EU MP," he stated. "In my opinion, this action by the authorities appears more aimed at targeting the AfD due to their potential of securing a successful election outcome." The citizens of the 27 EU member states will be electing a new EU Parliament in the coming week.

De Graaff, aged 62, was previously associated with the radical right-wing party for freedom, led by Dutch right-wing populist Geert Wilders, in the European Parliament from 2011 to 2022. In 2022, he switched to the extreme right-wing party Forum for Democracy.

The European Parliament's press service announced they couldn't comment on ongoing investigations. In principle, they work hand in hand with law enforcement and justice authorities to support the judiciary, which they plan to continue doing.

Earlier in May, the offices of Krah and his former employee Jian Guo in the European Parliament were searched due to alleged espionage activities for China. Prior to this, the employee of Krah was apprehended and held in custody under charges of espionage for China.

Not only these incidents, but the AfD and Krah are under pressure for other reasons as well. The ID faction in the European Parliament had recently excluded all nine AfD MPs from their group. The decision was based on "a series of incidents in which Mr. Maximilian Krah, and therefore also the German delegation of the group, were involved." These incidents have damaged the group's reputation.

In addition, Krah's controversial statements about the SS have faced considerable criticism. The AfD's federal executive committee had previously imposed a ban on Krah's appearances, with Krah himself announcing he would cease further election campaign appearances and resign as a member of the federal executive committee.

Read also:

  1. Maximilian Krah, a proponent of democracy and the lead candidate for AfD in the European elections, expressed his surprise about the searches conducted in his former employee's office in the European Parliament.
  2. The European elections are approaching, and concerns about Democracy and potential interference in the political process continue to arise, as demonstrated by the investigations into Russian influence within the EU Parliament and Petr Bystron's ties to the pro-Russian internet platform "Voice of Europe".
  3. In the midst of the European elections, the German political landscape is facing scrutiny, with the AfD and Maximilian Krah specifically under fire for alleged espionage activities for China and controversial statements about the SS.
  4. The Belgian public prosecutor's office unearthed evidence of potential Russian influence in the European Parliament, leading to searches in an employee's apartment and offices in Brussels and Strasbourg.
  5. Germany's AfD party, along with its lead candidate Maximilian Krah, finds itself in a challenging position ahead of the European elections, as multiple investigations into suspected Russian influence and espionage activities for China continue to unfold.
  6. As the European elections draw near, the EU Parliament faces criticism for its handling of ongoing investigations, particularly in relation to alleged Russian influence and espionage activities involving German politicians like Maximilian Krah.
  7. The public prosecutor's office has accused the employee from the EU Parliament of playing a crucial role in the case involving the pro-Russian internet platform "Voice of Europe" (VoE), which has been linked to spreading pro-Russian propaganda within the EU.
  8. Maximilian Krah, a prominent figure in the European Parliament's debates on Democracy and European affairs, found himself at the center of a political storm when investigations into Russian influence and his former employee's alleged espionage activities for China came to light.
  9. The European elections represent a critical moment for Europe and its democratic values, as politicians like Petr Bystron and Maximilian Krah face allegations of Russian influence, espionage, and controversial statements, putting the very foundations of Democracy in question.


