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Floods in Germany: SPD parliamentary group brings suspension of the debt brake into play

The flood situation in Germany remains tense, and the flood damage is also likely to have a financial impact. A reason to suspend the debt brake? SPD chief budget officer Dennis Rohde is open-minded.

Dennis Rohde, budget policy spokesman for the SPD parliamentary group in the
Dennis Rohde, budget policy spokesman for the SPD parliamentary group in the

Flood damage - Floods in Germany: SPD parliamentary group brings suspension of the debt brake into play

In view of the tense flood situation in Germany, the SPD is considering suspending the debt brake. "The full extent of the flood damage is not yet foreseeable, but for precisely such cases we have the option of suspending the debt brake in the Basic Law," Dennis Rohde, budget policy spokesman for the SPD parliamentary group in the Bundestag, told stern. "We will now closely examine whether we can achieve this financial dimension."

SPD chief budget officer Rohde, whose constituency Oldenburg-Ammerland is located in the flood area, emphasized the special responsibility of the federal government. "It was true for the people in the Ahr valley a few years ago and it is still true today: the people in the affected regions can rely on the federal government," said Rohde.

Floods in Germany: situation could worsen

For the time being, there are no signs of relief in the flood areas in several federal states. The German Weather Service (DWD) warned of continuous rain in parts of Germany, which is expected to continue until Thursday night. This could exacerbate the situation in the regions. Both Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser (both SPD) visited Lower Saxony, which was particularly affected by the floods, and pledged the support of the federal government.

The traffic light coalition is currently considering suspending the debt brake for further aid payments to deal with the Ahr Valley flood disaster in 2021. Chancellor Scholz said in December that the government would approach the CDU/CSU as the largest opposition parliamentary group and ask for their support for this step. At the time, Scholz emphasized that the Basic Law expressly stipulates that the credit ceiling can be raised to deal with natural disasters and extraordinary emergencies. Citizens should "also be able to rely on the promises made", he said. The Ahrtal aid for 2024 involves an amount of 2.7 billion euros.

Following the ruling by the Federal Constitutional Court, which overturned the budget plans of the traffic light coalition, the government wants to comply with the debt brake again this year and implement the ruling from Karlsruhe through cuts and savings. SPD budget politician Rohde emphasized that the ruling had "not changed anything" with regard to the fundamental possibility of suspending the debt brake.

Rohde agrees with SPD Co-Party Chairman Lars Klingbeil's demand that civil protection must be "massively" strengthened. However, this is a task for the federal government and the federal states alike, he said. "We will have to work together to find a solution that is not based on party lines, but on what is necessary for our country."

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