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Five civilians lost their lives in clashes between Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Intensification of militant activities.

Afghans wait in Chaman in a camp set up by the authorities to deport people living illegally in...
Afghans wait in Chaman in a camp set up by the authorities to deport people living illegally in Pakistan to their home country.

Five civilians lost their lives in clashes between Pakistan and Afghanistan.

In a recent development, a reported five civilians lost their lives in intense clashes on the Afghanistan-Pakistan border. As per Afghan broadcaster Tolonews on Platform X, a female and four children were slain due to Pakistani rocket fire. The Islamist Taliban's security forces have been engaged in fierce skirmishes with Pakistan's military for several days.

Tensions between the two neighboring nations have been escalating as of late. Islamabad has been combating a resurgence of militant organizations for years. Following the Taliban's takeover in August 2021, Pakistan accused the neighboring country's government of harboring extremists on Afghan soil. Consequently, Islamabad resorted to extremes measures like expelling Afghan refugees.

As per Tolonews, the combat in the mountainous region of Paktia province has been ongoing for four days. The 2430-kilometer border shared by the two countries was established in 1893 between British India and the Emirate of Afghanistan. Though the "Durand Line" serves as the de facto boundary, it is a subject of dispute between the nations. Border disputes persisted even with the Taliban's ascent.

Pakistani authorities in the problematic province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa claimed the hostilities commenced on Monday owing to Afghan security forces crossing over the border. Four Pakistani border guards sustained injuries. The battle raged throughout the night until Friday morning. The situation remained "calm but tense" according to security officials.

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