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First-time testimony from the claimed victim of Christian B.

Allegation of sexual assault

Christian B. is alleged to have raped several women. However, the Irish woman is the only known...
Christian B. is alleged to have raped several women. However, the Irish woman is the only known alleged victim.

First-time testimony from the claimed victim of Christian B.

There's a German man named Christian B. who's believed to have killed a missing girl named Maddie McCann. However, he's on trial in Braunschweig because he's accused of raping a woman in Portugal about 20 years ago. During the trial, a 40-year-old Irish woman shared her harrowing experience.

An essential witness testified in the rape trial against Christian B., who's also connected to the Maddie McCann case. This Irish woman shared her story at the Braunschweig District Court about a night in Portugal decades ago. The perpetrator entered her room via the balcony and woke her up. He knew her name and threatened, "Don't scream or I'll kill you." The 40-year-old woman elaborated, tearfully, that the man tied her up and sexually assaulted her multiple times. He also recorded some of the attack on a video camera. She eventually freed herself and sought help.

This Irish woman is crucial to the trial against the 47-year-old German since she's the only known rape victim out of three. The other two incidents were caught on video, but the tapes are missing and the victims couldn't be traced. B. is also charged with two counts of sexually abusing children. All the alleged crimes took place in Portugal.

Despite the international attention due to B.'s connection to the Maddie McCann case, the trial remains focused on the rape charges. Although Maddie's disappearance is frequently mentioned in Braunschweig, it's not part of the ongoing proceedings. The prosecutor's office consistently reminds everyone that the investigation is ongoing. The defendant remains silent about the accusations during this trial. The innocent-until-proven-guilty principle stands.

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