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First the grooming, then the pleasure

"Farmer seeks wife"

Dairy farmer Andre and his Julia are one heart and one
Dairy farmer Andre and his Julia are one heart and one

First the grooming, then the pleasure

The baton is handed over on the "Bauer sucht Frau" farms. Important decisions have to be made. Who gets to stay? Who has fallen in love? And who will finally be allowed to join? It is and remains exciting.

Joy and sorrow, endings and beginnings, hope and the pain of loss: it's time for a flying change on the "Bauer sucht Frau" farms. While some make forward-looking decisions at the end of their love journey, others take up their starting positions and eagerly await the beginning of the big format adventure. "I've fallen in love with you!", dairy farmer André cheers in Julia's ear. After the self-proclaimed "Queen of the wheat fields" has completed her first tractor ride, the farm week of the two cuddly pals takes on the expected rosy hue: "That was the best week of my life!" confesses Julia with tears in her eyes. Seconds later, a passionate kiss marks the beginning of a relationship that will hopefully last forever.

Dairy farmer Patrick chooses forwarding agent Sarina.

It's hard to believe, but even in the Odenwald, love still gets its act together. No more awkward smooching dramas and entertaining pasha moments. After an official portion of onion meatballs and a wet "kiss" for dessert, bull breeder Siegfried opens his heart. A pretty bouquet of flowers and a chocolate "dream woman" compliment make sure that the pithy Neubrandenburg girl Simone's heart breaks.

"I don't have to have this every day"

Master horse farmer Hans and his Elke are also on cloud nine as she settles in more and more and takes her dream farmer to breakfast in muesli paradise. "You wouldn't dare eat that!" says Hans, impressed by all the healthy ingredients. Elke wants to give something back to her farmer. In addition to tender glances and warm hugs, the horse lover should also enjoy lovingly arranged delicacies: "I just feel that Hans notices and appreciates me!", says the farm lady, who only realizes shortly before the end of the farm week, during the inevitable "mucking out", which work will not be quite so high on her personal list of favourites in the future ("I don't have to have that every day").

Sheep farmer Hannes and nanny Jenny go full throttle.

Real estate agent Annika would probably be only too happy to dispose of the manure from Patrick's farm animals - but she is no longer allowed to. After a two-day trial run, the 27-year-old dairy farmer has chosen Annika's rival Sarina. The forwarding agent, who is a year younger, can hardly believe her luck and hugs her farmer with relief at the announcement. The outgoing Annika, on the other hand, is "sad and disappointed". The short "Farmer Seeks Wife" adventure ends on a similarly depressing note for contestant Philipp. The cat allergy sufferer loses out in the battle for the heart of poultry farmer Stefanie - much to the delight of fellow contestant Timo, who now has the chance to convince the trained dog trainer of himself and his abilities.

Sheep farmer Hannes has second thoughts

That leaves mountain pasture farmer Hannes and newcomer Dietrich-Max-Helmut from Brandenburg. Hannes takes the shy Jenny ("Hannes' blue eyes make me nervous!") out to the pasture to mow. At the picnic afterwards, the sheep farmer starts to brood: "I explain so much to you, but you give me so little in return," grumbles the blonde farmer. Jenny finds it hard to get out of her skin: "I need a little more time, but I'll make every effort to convince you that I'm really interested," says the childcare worker.

Susanne, who has traveled all the way from Spain, is also interested. Arriving in sunny Brandenburg, a visibly excited hobby farmer with a carriage awaits the lady-in-waiting: "The first hug was unique!" cheers Dietrich-Max-Helmut after the heartfelt greeting on the platform. Shortly afterwards, they set off in the direction of love's happiness - past endless fields and cheering village neighbors.

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