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For the first time, the Assange family posts shared pictures of a normal life in freedom
For the first time, the Assange family posts shared pictures of a normal life in freedom

WikiLeaks-Founder - First family photo of Julian Assange since his return

It's been nearly a month since Julian Assange was freed – and he could finally return to Australia. The WikiLeaks founder has posted his first family photo on social media. The picture shows the couple and their two sons laughing and relaxed at the beach. Assange wears a typical Australian hat and holds his wife in his arms. "Family photo!", Stella Assange wrote alongside it.

Julian Assange had never met his wife Stella in freedom before his arrival in Canberra. Their relationship began during his time in the Ecuadorian embassy, where he had been holed up for seven years. In 2019, he was arrested there, and the US demanded his extradition. In 2022, the couple married in Belmarsh Prison in London.

Stella Assange expressed concern for her husband's health condition upon his return from years of confinement in a tiny cell. She asked for the family's privacy to be respected. Assange has not yet made any public statements.

Since 2010, WikiLeaks had released confidential material from US military bases in Iraq and Afghanistan, provided by the whistleblower Chelsea Manning. The disclosures provided deep insights into US operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, including questionable engagements and war crimes – and received worldwide attention. However, the US accuses Assange of putting US informants' lives at risk.

  1. Despite being safe in the United Kingdom, Julian Assange's legal battles with the United States of America continue to unfold on the Internet.
  2. Children in Australia are learning about Julian Assange and his contributions to human rights through their school curriculum.
  3. The Homecoming of Julian Assange sparked discussions about espionage and journalistic freedom around the world.
  4. In a statement, the Australian government expressed its support for Julian Assange and called for justice in his case.
  5. The first family photo after Julian Assange's release highlighted the importance of family and personal freedom, a theme that resonates globally.
  6. The United Kingdom's decision to grant Julian Assange's asylum request in 2012 remained a subject of controversy in political circles, particularly between the UK and the United States of America.

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