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First couple "fuses" during a kiss

First kiss, farmer's rules and the best compliment in TV history: "Bauer sucht Frau" fans get their money's worth.

Hans and Elke during their first kiss in season 19 of "Bauer sucht Frau"
Hans and Elke during their first kiss in season 19 of "Bauer sucht Frau"

"Farmer seeks wife" - First couple "fuses" during a kiss

Inka Bause (55) announces the first kiss of the season at the start of the fifth episode of"Bauer sucht Frau" (Monday, 20:15 on RTL, also on RTL+). She obviously didn't count Simone's (55) cellar attack on Siegfried in episode three. Just like the kisses with which the two sealed the deal in episode four that Siegfried would keep Simone on the farm and send Patricia (53) home.

Inka Bause doesn't want to reveal at the beginning who will exchange the first real kiss. There are plenty of candidates who are already "sizzling", as everyone claims.

Sexy Stefanie counts on shy farm boy

We start with Stefanie (41), who begins her week on the farm. She has invited Philipp (37) and Timo (37), who are not only the same age, but look almost the same. Philipp immediately raves about the poultry farmer, who looks just as "sexy" in work clothes as she does in an evening dress at the barn party. Sexy Stefanie surprises her boys with work gloves, which she has placed on their beds as a welcome gift.

The two farmyard boys are also very similar in character. So it is surprising that Stefanie singles out Phillip and tells him off for being too shy. If he doesn't overcome his shyness, things could get "bumpy", she threatens.

Patrick (27) is also heading into the farm week. The young farmer picks up Annika (26) and Sarina (24) in a wagon with a log cabin on the back.

Bales and concentrated farm rules

Jenny (21) is still very new to sheep farmer Hannes (24). So no candidates for a first kiss. Jenny is invited to his parents' house for dinner. Hannes' father fires off one farmer's rule after another. "Everything is ephemeral, except the cow's tail, which is long", or "If the farmer is dead in the cellar, the woman was quicker again". When Jenny throws out a prosaic line - "Love fades, hectares endure" - the room falls silent for a moment.

Carolin (27) and Marcel (25) are also confronted with a kind of farmer's rule. After the two of them climb a mountain of hay bales - she elegantly, he rather bumpily - Carolin's grandma Elfriede serves schnapps. She recites a rhyme that ends with the witnessing of children: "A schnapps is good in the morning, and no less so at lunchtime. And if you still drink schnapps in the evening, you'll have beautiful children." Rough country humor.

André (33) and Julia (29) don't climb hay bales, but unwrap one. Then they throw themselves tightly into the freshly spread hay. There is a brief crackle, but no kiss for the time being.

Siegfried praises Simone's "mediocre" body

Siegfried kisses Simone's hand when she injures herself slightly by hitting a wooden stake. But even that is not the kiss that Inka Bause promised. Shortly afterwards, however, it could fall. Because Siegfried invites Simone to the whirlpool of an inn. But things don't get any more intimate in the water.

Instead, the farmer with the porn moustache pays his chosen one the best compliment in TV history. Her body is "average" (sic!). Not too fat and not too thin. Okaaaaay... Siegfried is not only clumsy with words, but also with food. When he eats "Hessian tapas", a lot ends up on his table and plate ("That's normal in the Odenwald"). She still has to "educate" him when it comes to eating, says Simone. That could be difficult. When it comes to food, Siegfried knows nothing, "that's the top priority". Also sounds like an unrhyming country saying.

"Incredibly beautiful fusion" in the kiss

And where does the first kiss finally happen? Hans (65) and Elke (62), of course. No surprise, if you've watched their progress so far on "Bauer sucht Frau". Nevertheless, the romantic moment comes out of nowhere, in an everyday moment. After Elke gracefully straddles a fence, they kiss deeply. Hans raves about the "melting" in the kiss, it was "unbelievably beautiful".

André and Julia, on the other hand, narrowly miss out on a kiss. They both jerk their heads, he resorts to a cheap trick ("You've got something on your face"). But he just smacks her cheek.

And how are things "emotionally" with Carolin and Marcel? He confesses to her that he has "somehow already fallen in love" and can imagine more. "I feel it too", she says matter-of-factly, you can't expect more emotionally from the brittle farmer's wife. Then there is at least a hug. So Grandma Elfriede's schnapps voodoo has apparently helped.

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