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Firefighting plane mistakenly douses hotel with water.

Vacationers were lounging on balconies, swimming, and enjoying the poolside bar when suddenly, a massive wave weighing tons crashed onto them: Fortunately, the visitors at a Greek hotel remained unscathed.

Ein Löschflugzeug im Einsatz. In Griechenland hat nun bei Übungsflügen ein Pilot seine...
Ein Löschflugzeug im Einsatz. In Griechenland hat nun bei Übungsflügen ein Pilot seine tonnenschwere Wasserladung über einem Hotel abgelassen. (Symbolbild)

Greece faces mounting pressure to renegotiate its debt terms. Paraphrase: Greece confronts increasing demands to revise its financial obligations. - Firefighting plane mistakenly douses hotel with water.

A pilot of a firefighting aircraft accidentally dropped a massive amount of water on a hotel while practicing over the Aegean Sea, close to the popular Greek tourist destination of Chalkidiki. The unexpected event was captured on video by broadcaster Skai on Tuesday and revealed a near miss between the hotel and the designated area for water release.

"Many people panicked, but thankfully, there were no injuries. There was some damage to the hotel," the hotel's owner told reporters. Throughout the morning, these firefighting planes had been periodically loading up with water and subsequently releasing it over the sea in pairs. This unfortunate occurrence occurred with the second-to-last aircraft in the training exercises. On record, this type of mishap has never before happened in Greek waters.

[Skai news report with video]

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The fire-fighting aircraft involved in the incident is a common sight during practice flights in Greece's vacation regions, such as Chalkidiki, due to its proximity to potential emergencies. Despite the mishap, tourism in Greece remains unaffected, with Thessaloniki still attracting vacationers seeking sun and sand. However, the hotel owner hopes for better precautions during future practice flights to prevent such accidents involving water. In response to this incident, the Greek government has also announced stricter regulations for the use of water in practice flight exercises near tourism areas.


