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Federal government continues to lose public esteem

After the budget dispute

Federal government continues to lose public
Federal government continues to lose public

Federal government continues to lose public esteem

Following the dispute over the budget for the coming year, the federal government has lost further ground in terms of public opinion. According to the current "Politbarometer" survey by ZDF, the coalition government is performing worse than ever before, the broadcaster announced on Friday. According to the survey, only 27 percent of respondents say that the government is "doing a good job" - around half as many as in mid-March.

While the majority of SPD and Green Party supporters each give a positive assessment of the government's work, supporters of all other parties see things differently. Even among supporters of the co-governing FDP, only a good fifth (22%) are satisfied with the work of the traffic light coalition. However, only 35% of all respondents believe that a CDU/CSU-led federal government would do a better job.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) reached his personal low in the "Politbarometer". In the assessment of politicians according to likeability and performance on a scale of plus/minus five, the Chancellor only achieved a score of minus 1.0, compared to minus 0.4 in November.

According to the survey, CDU leader Friedrich Merz does not currently have the best chance of achieving a good result in the next general election. With 16%, the CDU/CSU parliamentary group leader would only come third behind CSU leader and Bavarian Minister President Markus Söder (28%) and NRW Minister President Hendrik Wüst (20%). Schleswig-Holstein's Minister President Daniel Günther came fourth with ten percent.

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