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The member survey is conducted online - FDP leader Lindner campaigns for remaining in the
The member survey is conducted online - FDP leader Lindner campaigns for remaining in the traffic

FDP begins member survey

Should the FDP remain in the traffic light coalition? The approximately 77,000 FDP members are now to decide on this question. The party leadership has clearly positioned itself, but the result is eagerly awaited.

The FDP has launched its eagerly awaited member survey on whether to remain in the traffic light coalition. Over the next two weeks, around 77,000 members will be asked to give their answer to the question: "Should the FDP end the coalition with the SPD and Greens as part of the federal government?" The survey, which is not binding for the party leadership, ends on January 1.

The initiative was taken by members at grassroots level. Kassel city treasurer Matthias Nölke acted as spokesman for the critics of the traffic light system. He had collected 598 signatures and thus forced the survey, which the federal executive committee then decided on December 11 - according to the party statutes, only 500 members have to be in favor. Party committees and members are to be informed of the result first.

After the disappointing state elections in Hesse and Bavaria for the FDP, former member of the Bundestag Nölke published an appeal. It stated that "Germany's economic substance" was suffering from policies that set the "wrong priorities in times of crisis". The FDP Kassel had therefore decided "out of responsibility towards the whole country and out of concern for the future of political liberalism" to support efforts to hold a members' survey.

Lindner remains calm

It was not the only expression of displeasure. Following the poor results in the recent state elections - the party missed out on re-entry in Bavaria and only just made it back in Hesse - 26 local politicians from all over Germany wrote an open letter entitled "Wake-up call freedom". The letter states that the FDP has made itself an "accomplice to a policy" that is rejected by "over 70 percent of the population". The economy, cutting red tape, energy policy, migration, citizens' income and coronavirus - the traffic light coalition is setting the wrong priorities everywhere.

Party leader and Finance Minister Christian Lindner has already spoken out clearly in favor of remaining in the traffic light coalition. The vote does not stress him, he said. "Because it is an opportunity to make it clear that the FDP is helping to shape the direction of the government." FDP Secretary General Bijan Djir-Sarai expressed understanding for the critics in his own ranks. "I take every voice seriously," Djir-Sarai said on the ntv program #beisenherz: "These are people who are naturally also concerned: What's next for the FDP? What about the future of the FDP? I mean, these are all legitimate thoughts."

The first FDP members made their vote public on Monday. "I voted to remain in the traffic light system because the challenges facing our country can be tackled much better if a love of freedom is part of the government," wrote FDP Transport Minister Volker Wissing on Platform X in the afternoon.

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