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Farmers want to accept the traffic light's "challenge"

Hot January because of agricultural diesel

Hundreds of tractors are once again on the road in protest in
Hundreds of tractors are once again on the road in protest in

Farmers want to accept the traffic light's "challenge"

If the planned abolition of tax benefits goes ahead, farmers want to demonstrate - "in a way that the country has never seen before". They are already rehearsing the uprising in Berlin.

More than 1000 farmers from all over Germany demonstrated in Berlin against the planned cuts to agricultural subsidies and loudly booed Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir. Farmers' President Joachim Rukwied sharply criticized the Ampel coalition's plans to cut tax breaks: "We will not accept this," he said at a rally in Berlin. This is "a declaration of war", and we accept it. If the federal government did not withdraw the unreasonable proposals, farmers would ensure that there would be "a very hot January" with further protests.

"Then, from January 8, we will be everywhere in a way that the country has never experienced before." Rukwied said that the abolition of the regulations on agricultural diesel and the vehicle tax exemption for agricultural vehicles would place an additional burden of one billion euros per year on the sector. "Enough is enough, too much is too much," shouted the farmers' president at the demonstration at the Brandenburg Gate, which was also attended by a number of tractors that had rolled into the capital.

Rukwied called on Özdemir to put pressure on the government on behalf of farmers and rural areas. The farmers' association had also called for the demonstration nationwide via its state farmers' associations. Up to now, farms have been able to claim a partial refund of the energy tax on diesel. The refund amounts to 21.48 cents per liter - the tax rate for agricultural diesel is then 25.56 cents per liter compared to the full tax rate of 47.04 cents. In addition, agricultural and forestry vehicles are exempt from vehicle tax.

Özdemir: Heavy machinery cannot simply be converted

Around 3,000 people were registered with the police for the rally. Several hundred tractors were also due to arrive for the protest. The first vehicles gathered on Straße des 17. Juni near the Brandenburg Gate in the morning.

Özdemir reiterated his criticism of the traffic light decisions. "I am fighting in the cabinet to ensure that this does not come in such a harsh form," he said. In any case, "existential fears are spreading" in the industry. Özdemir was repeatedly interrupted by loud whistles, boos and the ringing of cowbells from the demonstrators, who repeatedly called for new elections. On ARD's "Morgenmagazin" Özdemir had said that there were no alternatives for farmers when it came to agricultural diesel. "We are talking about heavy machinery that cannot simply be converted to electric." He had made alternative savings proposals to Finance Minister Christian Lindner.

Farm profits have increased

The environmental organization Greenpeace explained that the elimination of the subsidy for agricultural diesel was bearable in view of record-breaking agricultural and food prices and many other agricultural subsidies. "With all due sympathy for the farmers - making agricultural diesel cheaper by the state is expensive, harmful to the climate and should be abolished," said Greenpeace agricultural expert Martin Hofstetter. Contrary to what the farmers' association claims, the end of diesel subsidies will not result in a massive loss of farms.

According to industry figures, the earnings situation in agriculture had recently improved. In the 2022/23 financial year, which ended in June, the average profit of farms rose to a record level of 115,400 euros - an increase of 45% compared to the previous year. However, in view of falling prices for grain, oilseeds and milk, the farmers' association had already expressed pessimism about future business prospects before the traffic light plans were announced.

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