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"Familie is nich" opens the German Film Festival

Ludwigshafen is considered the second most popular German film festival after the Berlinale. This year's opening film has now been announced. The well-known leading actress will attend the screening.

Built close to the water: the film festival in Ludwigshafen am Rhein.
Built close to the water: the film festival in Ludwigshafen am Rhein.

Cinema summer - "Familie is nich" opens the German Film Festival

The tragicomedy "Family is nich" by Nana Neul opens the 20th German Film Festival in Ludwigshafen on August 21st. The organizers announced this in the second largest city in Rhineland-Palatinate. The film festival is considered an important industry meeting. Until September 8th, 64 productions will be presented in tent cinemas and an open-air cinema on a Rhine island near the border with Baden-Württemberg. Eleven of these are competing in the competition for the Film Art Prizes, which a jury awards in several categories.

Festival director Michael Kötz described "Family is nich," which will have its world premiere in Ludwigshafen, as a highly topical film. "Because it tells with great love for its characters about the superficial resignation of the parent generation and the zest for life of the young," Kötz said. "That's why it's the ideal opening film for the coming 19-day film journey through the world."

In "Family is nich," actress Meret Becker ("Babylon Berlin") appears, who, like director Neul, is expected for the opening. According to the organizers, about 108,000 people attended the German Film Festival last year. Ludwigshafen is therefore still the second most visited German film festival after the Berlinale, it was stated. Before the Corona pandemic, the show on the Parkinsel in the Rhine counted about 120,000 female visitors and male visitors - in the premiere year 2005 there were about 7000.

The tragicomedy will be screened at the film festival in Ludwigshafen, a city located in the Rhineland-Palatinate region. The Movie Festival in Ludwigshafen is situated near the border with Baden-Württemberg, with tent cinemas and an open-air cinema situated on a Rhine island. Visitors to the festival can expect to see Meret Becker, an actress from "Babylon Berlin," in the tragicomedy "Family is nich."

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