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Famed internet figure Kabosu passes away.

Teen girl estimated to be around 18 years in age

The face of Kabosu is also the figurehead of Dogecoin.
The face of Kabosu is also the figurehead of Dogecoin.

Famed internet figure Kabosu passes away.

In 2010, a Shiba Inu named Kabosu became a viral sensation on the internet. Her photo, which depicted a skeptical expression on her face, spread all over the world, eventually becoming the iconic meme "Doge." Tragically, Kabosu passed away on May 24th at approximately 18 years old. According to her owner, Atsuko Sato, Kabosu died peacefully in her sleep without any pain or suffering. On Instagram, Sato expressed her gratitude for the years of love and support for Kabosu: "Thank you all for loving Kabosu throughout these years. I'm sure Kabosu was the happiest dog in the world."

The story of Kabosu started in 2008 when Sato, a kindergarten teacher from Chiba Prefecture outside of Tokyo, adopted Kabosu from an animal shelter. Her age at the time of adoption is unknown. Sato shared with Asahi Shimbun newspaper how Kabosu's arrival brought many wondrous events into her life. In 2010, Sato took a picture of Kabosu with her front paws crossed and a skeptical expression, unaware of the impact it would have. It was only later when a friend told her that the photo had become a global meme called "Doge." This dog-themed internet craze included a shortened language known as Doge-Speak, where phrases were abbreviated, and multiple syllable words were exaggerated.

The popular cryptocurrency Dogecoin also adopted the image of Kabosu for its logo. "The effect this one dog has had around the world is immeasurable," said a post on the Dogecoin account. "We've all been fortunate that her story has impacted and shaped our lives." Kabosu's age was reported to be around 18 years, and if translated to human years, she would have been almost 90 years old.

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