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Falsified mobilization report emerges in Poland; Russian hackers under investigation

In Poland, there's a rumor circulating that 200,000 people are set to be drafted for a military operation in Ukraine. Could Moscow be behind this misinformation?

According to Warsaw, there is every indication that the cyberattack was controlled by Russia...
According to Warsaw, there is every indication that the cyberattack was controlled by Russia (symbolic image).

Undercover agencies - Falsified mobilization report emerges in Poland; Russian hackers under investigation

The Polish domestic intelligence agency is probing if the state news agency PAP has been struck by a Russian cyber attack after a bogus report about a partial mobilization surfaced. Dismissing the claim as untrue, Digitalization Minister Krzysztof Gawkowski stated, "It all seems to point towards a cyber attack instigated from the Russian side."

The fake news spread like wildfire, stating that Prime Minister Donald Tusk had commanded a partial mobilization for 1st July, and 200,000 Poles - including ex-soldiers and civilians - were ordered to head to Ukraine.

Tusk commented on the issue through platform X, "This blatant hacking attempt is just another instance displaying the Russian tactics to destabilize prior to the European elections."

The Russian government views Poland as a major military backer for the Ukraine conflict. With Poland being a member of both the EU and NATO, it serves as a significant logistics center for Western assistance to Kiev. perceived as a foe by Russia, this has made Poland a prime target.

Grabiec, the official Polish spokesperson, swiftly debunked the spurious report. "The PAP-cited notification regarding the mobilization is completely false," he posted on X. PAP also clarified its stance, "The messages in question were not from the agency, and certainly were not penned or sent by PAP's journalists."

This once again demonstrates Russia's ongoing attempts at destabilizing Poland and Europe in the run-up to important elections.

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