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Extremist crimes with right-wing leanings in Saxony hit a peak.

"The greatest obstacle"

Der Präsident des Landesamtes für Verfassungsschutz Sachsen, Dirk-Martin Christian, betont, dass...
Der Präsident des Landesamtes für Verfassungsschutz Sachsen, Dirk-Martin Christian, betont, dass der Rechtsextremismus "die größte Herausforderung" für die Gesellschaft darstellt.

Extremist crimes with right-wing leanings in Saxony hit a peak.

In recent times, right-wing extremism in Saxony has seen a steep rise in criminal activities, with the number of recorded incidents almost doubling compared to the previous year. This increase is also reflected in the rising number of xenophobic crimes, which currently stands at 712 cases - the highest mark since 2015.

The report on the protection of the constitution, published in Dresden for 2023, reveals these staggering figures. Right-wing motivated crimes increased by an astounding 866 cases, bringing the total to 2,566. In contrast, the number of crimes committed the year prior was around 1,700. Properties were not spared from these activities, with more than 1,873 cases reported involving propaganda offenses, such as the use of symbols from unconstitutional organisations and discrimination based on ethnicity. These crimes account for almost three-quarters of the total tally.

The Reichsbürger scene in Saxony is believed to hold approximately 3,000 individuals, a drastic increase of 500 from the previous year. Within this community, right-wing extremist elements make up a mere 2.9%, but this small figure has led to the rapid expansion of the group's goals. Specifically, they aim to establish an independent state that is not a part of the Federal Republic, which is why members are actively acquiring real estate across various states.

The number of people associated with the right-wing extremist scene has escalated to an estimated 5,750 last year, up from just 4,350 in the previous year. This significant growth is credited primarily to the classification of the AfD and its youth organisation, Young Alternative (JA), as securely right-wing extremist groups.

Although left-wing extremist crimes have not risen to the same extent, it is reported that supporters of this scene numbered 905 in 2023, compared to 890 in the previous year. Leipzig continues to be a major hub for the autonomous scene, accounting for 804 crimes in total. Of these, 191 were instances of violent acts.

In his remarks, the President of the State Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Dirk-Martin Christian, emphasised that right-wing extremism still poses a grave challenge to society. However, he warned that left-wing extremism is also becoming more dangerous, as various martial arts clubs are opening their doors to these extremists, thereby enhancing their violent capabilities.

Saxony's Interior Minister, Armin Schuster, echoed his concerns, asserting that left-wing extremism is a persistent and severe threat to democracy and the legal system of the country. He emphasised that their potential for mobilising and inciting violence is a source of great concern.

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