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Experts in defense sound the alarm, encouraging a freezing approach by Putin's deployment.

Limitation on western weaponry.

Ein ukrainischer Soldat schickt eine Selbstmorddrohne zu den russischen Stellungen in der Region...
Ein ukrainischer Soldat schickt eine Selbstmorddrohne zu den russischen Stellungen in der Region Charkiw.

Experts in defense sound the alarm, encouraging a freezing approach by Putin's deployment.

Compared to the Federal Chancellor, defense experts from the SPD and the Union are criticizing the limitations imposed on Kiev in their war against Russia. They believe that the attacks on Kharkiv call for a shift in NATO strategy.

In the discussion about the restrictions on the use of Western weapons against Russia, defense experts from the SPD and CDU are now increasing the pressure on the German government. Andreas Schwarz of the SPD stated to the Dusseldorf "Rheinische Post", "Putin is coldly exploiting our constraints to deploy Western weapons." This can be seen in the example of the recent attacks on Kharkiv. "In this case, the Russian army is shelling Ukraine's second-largest city from Russia, unbothered, because it lacks enough air defense, and the Ukrainian army's arms are tied at the border," said the SPD politician, who deals with defense budgets in the budget committee.

The Ukraine is forced to watch as people die and the city is destroyed. "We need to change direction and rally behind NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg's thoughts, so that Ukraine can also strike positions on Russian territory from which it's being attacked," said Schwarz. "This glaring flaw in our strategy must be rethought in the Western alliance, especially since there's no legal obstacle," demanded the SPD politician.

Schwarz is in agreement with the defense expert of the Union faction in the Bundestag, Johann Wadephul. "We should be upfront: Ukraine is defending itself under international law against Russian aggression and can also use weapons on Russian territory," said the faction vice-chairman. "Restrictions on the use of weapons we've supplied help only Russia and should be removed immediately," demanded the CDU politician. "And, on top of that, the Chancellor should finally make it possible to send Taurus missiles," added Wadephul.

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz confirmed his refusal to send Taurus missiles to Ukraine on Friday. Schwarz reasoned with the SPD politician's previous statement, "I don't want to take any risks for a potential extension of the Ukrainian war to a war between Russia and NATO." Germany must maintain control over targets in a system like Taurus.

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