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Exciting and touching river stories

This time, the road trip documentary series "Bezzel & Schwarz" takes the two film stars to six Bavarian rivers - including unforgettable moments.

"Bezzel & Schwarz - Die Grenzgänger" (from left): Sepp Goldmann, Sebastian Bezzel and Simon Schwarz...
"Bezzel & Schwarz - Die Grenzgänger" (from left): Sepp Goldmann, Sebastian Bezzel and Simon Schwarz on the Inn ferry between Kiefersfelden and Ebbs.

New season of "Bezzel & Schwarz" episodes - Exciting and touching river stories

The sixth season of the documentary series "Bezzel & Schwarz: Die Grenzgänger" (since 2019) with popular Eberhofercrime-stars Sebastian Bezzel (53) and Simon Schwarz (53) starts on July 8 at 20:15 p.m. on BR Fernsehen. Originally, the six new episodes were supposed to come out in early June, but the destructive floodwaters in Bavaria made it impossible. The six new episodes of the popular documentary series with Sebastian Bezzel and Simon Schwarz revolve around the topic of rivers and highlight their beautiful aspects and value, which is not fitting at the moment given the catastrophic conditions in many districts and the current situation of many people in the Free State.

Now, however, it's all set. The friendly actors visit the Bavarian rivers Donau (pilot episode), Inn (July 15), Altmühl (July 29), Lech (August 5), Isar (August 12), and Main (August 19) in their motorhome. As always, the format also deals with history (such as the Roman ships in Regensburg), art, culture, environmental protection, and inclusion - all topics that interest both of them equally. However, their interests regarding the sporting aspects of their journey are somewhat unevenly distributed. What surprised them most in the six river episodes, Bezzel and Schwarz revealed in a double interview with spot on news.

What surprised you the most during the filming of the new season?

Sebastian Bezzel: The most surprising thing for me is how beautiful the renaturated Altmühl is.

Simon Schwarz: And what surprised me the most is the necessity to protect the course of a river in its ecosystem. How much money we would save if we let the rivers be rivers a little more...

What experience from the filming of the sixth season will you never forget?

Schwarz: The experiences of the Waterwacht Landshut were particularly memorable for me.

Bezzel: So I found it very amusing that Simon and I wanted to assemble the folding boat. Simon assured me that it would only take 10 to 20 minutes - we ended up taking over two hours.

What is an unforgettable river experience for you?

Schwarz: The occupation of the Danube meadows in Hainburg and the associated rescue of the Danube-Auen National Park.

Bezzel: I remember very fondly the first grill and campfire parties at the Loisach in Garmisch. Of course, with beer and a wonderful landscape around.

Once again, an episode goes high up. Does the documentary series perhaps work as a kind of experience therapy against height anxiety for you, Mr. Bezzel?

Bezzel: It's more that through this documentary series, I only became really aware that I have a strong fear of heights. The worst is in buildings, observation towers, etc., on these metal staircases with mesh floors. That's not my thing, and it all collapses in me and I get panic. In the first season, Simon and I climbed the Bayernturm in the Landkreis Rhön-Grabfeld. And my height anxiety hit me there, and it wasn't funny for me. When we were back down, I was completely exhausted, as this persistent panic state is really exhausting. So nothing is being cured in me, I just give up on undertakings like the climbing of various towers.

## In this season, there are still a few sporting appearances from Simon Schwarz. How much does sport belong to your private life?

Schwarz: Unfortunately, not as much as I would like. My private life has unfortunately shrunk to a few hours a week, so these few remaining hours belong exclusively to my family. The rest is work.

In the new season of "Bezzel & Schwarz: The border crossers," popular stars Sebastian Bezzel and Simon Schwarz explore the beauty and value of Bavarian rivers, including the Danube, Inn, Altmuhl, Lech, Isar, and Main. Despite initial delays due to floodwaters, the sixth season begins on BR Fernsehen on July 8. During filming, Bezzel was surprised by the renewed beauty of the Altmuhl, while Schwarz was struck by the necessity of protecting river ecosystems. One unforgettable moment for Schwarz was the Waterwacht Landshut experience, while Bezzel fondly remembers the first grill and campfire parties at the Loisach in Garmisch. Regarding height anxiety, Bezzel revealed that despite the show's height-focused activities, he has yet to overcome his fear, especially in buildings and observation towers. Lastly, Schwarz shared that sports play a limited role in his personal life due to the demands of his career and family.

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