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Ex-military officer faces over three years behind bars.

Due to Russian spying activities.

Der Angeklagte (r) sitzt Ende April im Gerichtssaal neben seinem Anwalt.
Der Angeklagte (r) sitzt Ende April im Gerichtssaal neben seinem Anwalt.

Ex-military officer faces over three years behind bars.

A previous Bundeswehr officer has confessed to providing his expertise to Russian intelligence, which has led to his conviction by a court in Düsseldorf.

Recently, a 54-year-old Bundeswehr officer was given a sentence of three and a half years in prison in Düsseldorf, as a result of being found guilty of spying for Russia.

The Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court has concluded that the officer knowingly offered information to transition to Russian intelligence services. It is stated that he carried out this activity from May 2023 and passed on the information to the Russian consulate in Bonn and the Russian embassy in Berlin while concurrently expressing a willingness to cooperate. Reportedly, the information had been obtained by the suspect while working in the procurement department of the Bundeswehr in Koblenz.

The defendant did not show much resistance during the proceedings. The prosecution advocated for a sentence of three and a half years in prison for espionage, coupled with breaching official secrets. Meanwhile, the defense requested a decision be made at the court's discretion.

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