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European Football Championships Face Terror Threat, Reveals Bushman

Conflicts in Gaza and Ukraine

Praises border controls as a good instrument for improving security around the European...
Praises border controls as a good instrument for improving security around the European Championships: Minister of Justice Buschmann.

European Football Championships Face Terror Threat, Reveals Bushman

Justice Minister Buschmann prefers to enjoy soccer games rather than be concerned with potential attacks from IS, but he acknowledges the gravity of the threat. The escalation of conflicts in Gaza and Ukraine only adds to the overall security concerns, according to the FDP politician.

Marco Buschmann, a Justice Minister, expresses his worries about potential attacks during the European Football Championship in Germany. He mentioned that violence during significant global sporting events involves an increased risk of terrorism. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine, as well as the situation in Gaza, further complicates the security landscape. Recently, two German-Russian individuals were detained by the Federal Public Prosecutor General on charges of planning attacks on German infrastructure. "We still need to prepare for instances of sabotage," said Buschmann.

On a different note, the Minister points out that the situation in the Middle East creates a different type of risk. With the massacre of Hamas in Israel on October 7, the atmosphere in Germany has become tense. Jewish institutions have faced more attacks and threats than before. "There have been instances of planned attacks on Jewish institutions in Germany by Hamas," noted Buschmann. "Thus, we must be particularly vigilant."

In response to threats from IS, whose Afghan franchise has advocated for attacks on stadiums in Dortmund, Munich, and Berlin, Buschmann stated, "Terrorists are attempting to create a climate of fear and pressure our legal system and way of life. However, I trust our country's security authorities, and we will not allow them to disrupt our daily lives."

Buschmann is convinced that enhanced border security will improve safety. He claimed that there has been a significant improvement in internal border controls, leading to a positive effect in fighting human trafficking. "Stricter border controls can be an effective tool in enhancing the safety of large-scale events like the European Football Championship," he said.

Although the Justice Minister contradicts the need for an increased presence of video surveillance, he does believe in its potential use under specific circumstances. "I don't want a world where you can't leave your house without being filmed - that's a scenario akin to a surveillance state," Buschmann expressed. "Nevertheless, I think video surveillance can be relevant at high-crime locations under certain conditions." As far as the European Championship is concerned, he does not foresee any legal actions regarding video surveillance, particularly biometric surveillance.

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