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EU decides to start Ukraine accession negotiations

According to EU Council President Charles Michel, the European Union has decided to start EU accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova.

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz in conversation with EU Council President Charles Michel.
Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz in conversation with EU Council President Charles Michel.

EU summit in Brussels - EU decides to start Ukraine accession negotiations

According to EU Council President Charles Michel, the European Union has decided to start EU accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova.

In addition, Georgia is to be granted the status of an EU accession candidate, as Michel announced in Brussels.

Read also:

  1. The decision to initiate EU accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova was met with conflicting opinions among some European countries, notably due to ongoing conflicts in these regions.
  2. At the EU summit in Brussels, Charles Michel emphasized the importance of addressing conflicts in Ukraine and Moldova, stating that EU membership could foster peace and stability in the region.
  3. While the EU's decision to start accession negotiations with Moldova and Ukraine was welcomed by many, some critics argue that the EU should first resolve the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia before moving forward with EU integration.
  4. Despite the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, other issues, such as the climate crisis and Islamist terror threats, were also discussed during the EU summit in Brussels, highlighting the complexity of Europe's challenges.


