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"But what is the difference to Hitler?" asks
"But what is the difference to Hitler?" asks

Erdogan: "They make us miss Hitler"

Once again, the Turkish president sharply attacks Israel's head of government Netanyahu and compares him to Hitler. He also attacks numerous other states and international institutions. Berlin is not spared either.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has compared Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Adolf Hitler in connection with the Gaza war. "You spoke badly about Hitler," Erdogan said at an event in the Turkish capital Ankara. "But what is the difference with Hitler? They make us miss Hitler. Is what this Netanyahu is doing less than what Hitler did? It's not."

Moreover, Hitler was not as rich as Netanyahu. "He is richer than Hitler, he receives support from the West." All kinds of help comes from the USA. "And what have they done with all that support? They have killed more than 20,000 people in the Gaza Strip."

Erdogan said the Gaza conflict was a test that the Western states, institutions, journalists and media, the United Nations Security Council and the EU had all failed. "Just as it was 80 years ago in Nazi Germany, the scientists who have the courage today to name the atrocity in Gaza as such are being suppressed and threatened." Germany, on the other hand, continues to pay the price for Hitler. "That's why Germany is silent, that's why its head is bowed." Erdogan has repeatedly caused a stir in the past with Hitler comparisons.

At the beginning of November, Erdogan announced that Turkey had broken off contact with Netanyahu in the wake of the Gaza war. "Netanyahu is no longer a kind of interlocutor for us," he had said according to a statement from his press office. "We have deleted him, we have crossed him out." However, Ankara does not intend to break off diplomatic relations with Israel, he said. "Cutting ties completely is not possible, especially in international diplomacy," he emphasized.

Read also:

  1. Despite the UN's call for a ceasefire, the Middle East conflict between Israel and Gaza continues, sparking severe criticism from Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan towards Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
  2. In a controversial statement, Erdogan likened Netanyahu to Adolf Hitler, citing the alleged atrocities committed during the Gaza war, and accused Western states and institutions of failing to address the situation.
  3. Erdogan's hostility towards Israel was further evident when he announced Turkey had broken off contact with Netanyahu in response to the Gaza war, but stopped short of completely ending diplomatic relations.
  4. Controversial comments like these have been a recurring theme in Erdogan's rhetoric, as he has previously caused stirs by drawing comparisons between political leaders and Hitler.




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